Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

529 questions
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Docker volume permissions broke after copying

I am using Docker and Docker Compose to manage my containers. For backup reasons, I previously had all my Docker files (volumes etc.) running on /home/docker which was symlinked via /var/lib/docker -> /home/docker. After a while I decided moving my…
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Nginx downloads source code instead running it with PHP-FPM over Docker

I'm creating PHP backend app using Docker alpine-nginx, I need to redirect all requests starting with /api to run www/index.php file as it's built on MVC framework. Proxy_pass works great for the rest of the site with NextJS (React, Node) But Nginx…
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How to create auto redirect to 301 https + proxy_pass in NGINX for one location /

This is my nginx config: server { listen 80; server_name; server_tokens off; location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { root /var/www/certbot; } location / { proxy_pass http://frontend:4200; # return 301…
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How to install latest docker via spinnaker pipeline onto GCE VM

I'm creating a GCE VM from a spinnaker pipeline to deploy an app via Docker Compose. When I try to get Docker Compose installed on the VM in the way shown in the image, it installs Docker version 1. Is there a way for me to get the latest version of…
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My OS drive crashed, reinstalled, all docker-related stufff was on another drive, and now I'm getting strange logs after they quit

I'm running docker on PopOS. I had a nice media stack as you can see here, although that's an old link, it's still the jist. Moved from overseerr -> ombi and plex -> emby. So, I'm on the fresh install of PopOS, use mergerfs to pool my drives, etc..…
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docker nginx does't serve static files through upstream Next.JS

I couldn't find an answer to my question from other similar questions. So, I have two docker containers: Next.JS web-app nginx reverse proxy If I'll connect to nginx container via docker exec -it... I can see my static files bound from the shared…
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Traefik - loadbalancing an internal docker service and external service

I'd like to create a haproxy-like roundrobin loadbalancing with traefik. I have the following infrastrucute: Server_1: It has traefik hosted on it (in docker container) working in an bridged network (called 'ext) and exposed ports 80 and 443. I have…
0 answers

Can docker compose execute a command at stopping?

Whenever a container is stopped, restarted or deleted, I would like it to execute a bash command for the host machine. E.g. fusermount -u /path/to/folder But I have not figured out a way to do this in the compose file. What I have in mind is similar…
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Managing dozens of Docker deployments of the same application

I am managing about 60 servers running the same dockerized application (consisting of 16 containers). The containers are versioned using the semver standard (ex: 2.1.3, 2.2.6), and linked together with Docker Compose. What is the best way to…
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docker compose smb bind password

I've currently got the following in my docker-compose: volumes: run_vol: driver_opts: type: tmpfs device: tmpfs kimai_public: driver_opts: type: cifs o: username=docker,password=xxxxx,vers=3.0 device:…
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In file './docker-compose.yml', services 'image' must be a mapping not a string

wordpress: image: wordpress links: - wordpress_db:mysql ports: - 8080:80 wordpress_db: image: mariadb environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: edureka phpmyadmin: image: corbinu/docker-phpmyadmin links: - wordpress_db:mysql …
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Can't bind volume between container and other container (docker-in-docker)

I try to setup my gitlab runner on my M1 MacBook for some environment testing. My CI workflow is quite simple : build -> test -> deploy. I use docker executor and for testing tasks I use docker-compose because I have to deploy a database beside the…
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In the bind mount "hostPath:containerPath:ro" what dose the ro part do?

How do I know I need to add the ro or not? I know the ro stands for read only but why would you need a read only bind mount? How would it effect my docker-composer-yml Example: Containerizing a python app // docker-composer.yml ... volumes: -…
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Connect redis-cluster(running in docker) from host machine

I have used docker-compose with static ip to create redis-cluster, everything ran successfully but now I am stuck at how do I connect my host application to redis-cluster running in side docker. version: '3' services: hdbrediscluster: …
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Windows docker container cannot reach another host on the same private network

I'm running a Docker container on Windows: docker run -d -p 2001:8080 -v F:\Scan:/app/data/output -e SANED_NET_HOSTS="" --restart unless-stopped --name scanservjs --privileged sbs20/scanservjs:latest This basically helps converting my…
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