Questions tagged [traefik]

11 questions
0 answers

Adding a unique request header to hundreds of Ingresses with Traefik 2

we're (finally) migrating from Traefik 1 to 2. We run 400+ apps on GKE. Our one remaining challenge is this: In Traefik 1 we set an annotation on each app's Ingress that adds a header to the request to the backend. The value of that header is unique…
Martijn Heemels
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Why is access to Kubernetes lost if I turn on the IPVS mode?

The problem is that after enabling the IPVS mode in the kube-proxy, everything works fine for me. But as soon as I install Traefik, I immediately lose connection with Kubernetes. OS: CentOS 7.9 $ uname -rs Linux…
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Traefik 404 page not found error, when accessing dashboard in an https only setting

For a while now, I'm trying to set up Traefik on my Oracle Cloud VPS. The server is sitting behind Cloudflare, so I configured a origin certificate from them. This seems to be working, because when I want to access the dashboard, the configured…
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Traefik - loadbalancing an internal docker service and external service

I'd like to create a haproxy-like roundrobin loadbalancing with traefik. I have the following infrastrucute: Server_1: It has traefik hosted on it (in docker container) working in an bridged network (called 'ext) and exposed ports 80 and 443. I have…
0 answers

traefik - BasicAuth

Problem: I wan't to implement basic Auth on some entrypoints (e. g.: Traefik Dashboard, Prometheus), but i can't get it to work Context: I've got a bunch of Docker Containers running between a Traefik Proxy. (GitLab, Grafana, HomeAssistant,…
0 answers

Cert-manager letsencrypt pending with cert-manager and traefik

i have a cluster on AKS, that is using traefik to serve a simple http service. I'm trying to use letsencrypt, the DNS is setted up and resolves to aks public ip address correctly but all certificate requests becomes stuck and pending, below my…
1 answer

Traefik don't keep real ip

I have a problem with Traefik, I want to log from a server with syslog-ng (docker). I have logs but I have reverse_proxy name and I want source IP not the name of traefik. I wish to keep source IP from the host. traefik.yml : global: …
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in Traefik, any way to forward request to loadbalancer url subfolder?

Is it possible to forward url to subfolder traefik loadbalancer? like backend server url to http://myserver/myfolder/my For example: [] [] [[]] …
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How to HELM install multiple Traefik with rbac?

I am trying to install two traefik. Each will be in its own namespace. Each traefik will use label selection. Below is the values override I use for each when I run helm install. rbac: enabled: true # Enable prometheus additionalArguments: -…
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Real Client-Ip with Cloudflare, Docker, Traefik and nginx set up as a mail proxy (Client-Ip in PHP script, not in upstream mail server)

I set nginx as a mail proxy, but i have trouble detecting the real Client-Ip in the php authentication script called by nginx via auth_http. I am not interested in getting real-IP on the upstream mail server. This is my stack: Cloudflare manages…
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Is it possible to forward url to subfolder traefik loadbalancer server?

Is it possible to forward url to subfolder traefik loadbalancer server? For example define backend server url to http://myserver/myfolder/my For example: [] [] …
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