Docker-swarm is a tool that is able to create a cluster of docker nodes and deploy containers in this cluster.
Questions tagged [docker-swarm]
188 questions
2 answers
How to use docker secrets without a swarm cluster?
Currently we im a running application on a single docker container, the application needs all sorts of sensitive data to be passed as environments variables,
Im putting those on the run command so they don't end up in the image and then on a…
Juan Sebastian
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How to delete a docker network that does not exist?
I have a docker swarm configuration with 3 nodes. There is a network that sits on only one of the nodes. On that particular node, docker network ls shows the network, docker network rm [network-id] says "Error response from daemon: network ... not…
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1 answer
List containers from all nodes of docker swarm mode
We are running docker in swarm mode on a few nodes.
Could not find a quick and easy way to list all containers (preferably with status) in the swarm from the manager nodes. One can see overlay networks and locally-running containers attached to…
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docker swarm database connection reset by peer
I am running a spring boot application with docker swarm and I use postgres for database. When I run both of them as docker service, database connection fails consistently and randomly (as you can see on the timestamp) as the log…
Elifcan Çakmak
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1 answer
Using private physical networks with Docker swarm mode
I am working on a production setup with Docker in swarm mode (using Docker 17.03.1-ce). There will be 2 data centers involved. In both data centers, all machines have both a public IP and a private (local to data center) IP on a private network, so…
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How do you access a service that is in another stack?
I have a docker swarm configuration and in there I deployed two stacks (main and mon) I can expose a port in one stack and I can refer to it from another. However, I was trying to find a way of not doing that but instead have it access it using the…
Archimedes Trajano
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WEBRTC MCU/SFU inside kubernetes - Port Ranges?
I am using janus-gateway as a webrtc media server for group videocalling. Previously I had deployed it in a single node using docker-compose but now I want to be able to scale it horizontally. For this, I am trying to use kubernetes but I am facing…
Abdul Basit
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What is HEALTHCHECK really used for when running Docker in swarm mode?
I'm having a hard time figuring out what HEALTHCHECK really is used for when running Docker in swarm mode.
One place suggests that Docker will restart a task which is considered unhealthy. Another place explains that Docker will stop sending traffic…
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1 answer
nginx in front of docker swarm services
I am thinking about how this is meant to be done in a serious way for weeks now and didn't come to a conclusion yet.
Maybe I think into the wrong direction.
Lets say you have a hundred web apps which come and go.
You want an nginx configuration like…
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4 answers
How to set Linux capabilities on docker swarm mode service invocations
I'm looking into the notion of vault running under swarm (1.12.x).
A single container would be started with:
docker run -d --cap-add IPC_LOCK -p 8200:8200 -p 8215:8125 --name vault --volume /vagrant/vault:/vagrant/vault vault server…
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1 answer
High Network I/O Between Docker Swarm Managers
Network Traffic
We run Docker Swarm with 3 manager nodes and 16 worker nodes. The network I/O between two of the three manager nodes is very high. To illustrate this, here is the output from iftop for the three manager nodes:
vm71 (
vm71 …
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Unable to access Wordpress site created as a Docker Stack
I am trying to create a Wordpress site inside a Docker stack composed of the following services:
wordpress - the Wordpress site itself
db - the MySQL container
I have the following stack.yml file:
version: '3.1'
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1 answer
How to get IP address of a docker swarm node?
I have two virtualbox ubuntu16 guests which can communicate over a host-only network:
I created a docker swarm using the steps from docker docs. Following is the state of my swarm:
vagrant@master:~$ docker node ls
ID …
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MariaDB on docker keeps corrupting data
I'm using the official MariaDB mariadb:10.4.6-bionic image and I have a problem: my tables corrupt themselves. This had happened at least four times this month:
on two different dev machines using docker-compose
on the staging machine using docker…
Nicolas Reynis
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0 answers
How to access database on Docker swarm without exposing ports to internet?
I had a really hard time coming up with a short and descriptive title for this... Let me explain:
In classic Docker (no swarm mode) I had my system set up in a way that my PostgreSQL database would expose its main port (5432) only to localhost. That…
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