Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

529 questions
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How to secure a docker host to not allow rooting

I am trying to make docker on a server more secure. The main problem is that most people say "if a person has access to docker, they can be root too" for an administrator point of few this is not something you would want. To elaborate, they can use…
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nginx won't serve json file unless specifying .json in url

I have the following nginx.conf file: server { listen 8080; server_name dummy_server; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location / { if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') { add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; …
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Podman: Method to convert docker-compose files to systemd unit files

I'm migrating away from docker towards podman (not going straight for kubernetes, as that would definitely be overkill at this point). Now, many an elegant configuration can be had as docker-compose setup – but docker-compose relies on the docker…
Marcus Müller
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Is there a way to flush docker's embedded dns cache?

I'm working in an environment where sometimes the DNS server flakes out and tells you it can't resolve a host (eg. lookup of "" fails). It's transient, and usually recovers fairly quickly. However, sometimes when it happens, it seems…
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How to forward application logs from Docker containers to ELK

I'm trying to centralise logging in an environment that using multiple application technologies (Java, Rails and various DBs). We want to developers to bring up stacks with Docker Compose, but we want to them to refer to a central log source (ELK)…
Garreth McDaid
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Docker Compose and multiple subnets

I'm struggling with Docker Compose (version 2 or 3). I'm trying to add multiple subnets, so various services can reach each other, but get assigned IPv4 addresses from different subnets. This is my current configuration: networks: custom: …
Alfred Balle
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Why isn't firewalld filtering the services running in my Docker containers?

My services were filtered correctly after migrating from iptables to firewalld and updating the rules with firewall-cmd. Then I moved all services to containers using Docker, and ran everything with docker-compose. My default zone is 'public'. I…
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2 answers

Setup wordpress container in subdirectory with nginx and mariadb

Ok guys here is the problem: i have my webserver serving a website, a cms and mobile app api using a subdirectory approach like this localhost -> site localhost/cms localhost/api everything is built using docker compose services: server: …
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Connecting a local Elixir/Erlang to a running application inside a Docker container

I've got an Elixir application running inside a Docker container (in my laptop). The Elixir application was executed with the following command: iex \ --name test@ \ --cookie secret \ --erl '-kernel inet_dist_listen_min 9000' \ --erl…
3 answers

Using iptables rules aren't working with Docker container

Just set up an ElasticSearch container to use with company's Laravel app. Creating docker-compose.yml and running it is flawless and straight-forward but the issue occurs when I want to firewall this thing so that it's only accessible from one,…
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3 answers

Docker Compose returns error "networks have overlapping IPv4"

starting by saying I am totally new to Docker and I am not yet familiarized with the Docker ecosystem. What I try to perform is to create a docker-composer.yml to be used in my local dev environment across my projects. I already use the…
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Docker-Compose in Development - Managing Subnets

I'm currently using Docker-Compose for development with a small team of people. I'll describe the setup and scenario we currently are facing. We have a single project checked into our VCS. Devevelopers check this out and do a "docker-compose up",…
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Can't curl a linked container in Docker

I don't have a complex setup. 2 containers, one for my application and one for my API. CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8f07c240bee2 …
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Unable to interact with docker service

I'm having trouble with a docker container of mine, specifically, the laradock/laravel-horizon container, I'm not sure if that's relevant or not. The issue I'm having is that I am unable to solve my problem with the container in any meaningful way,…
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MariaDB on docker keeps corrupting data

I'm using the official MariaDB mariadb:10.4.6-bionic image and I have a problem: my tables corrupt themselves. This had happened at least four times this month: on two different dev machines using docker-compose on the staging machine using docker…
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