Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

529 questions
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Can we rely on docker virtual network isolation?

I'm building an architecture with docker. As everything is virtual I cannot see how to apply general concept like DMZ, firewalling and other network isolation method. When two containers are sharing a "private" virtual network, does it really…
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Do we need passwords for localhost database connections in docker context?

My question is related to my specific environment : I'm running a web application in a docker container and a database in another container. I use docker compose to run both containers : my web app is linked to a network shared with all other app…
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How make Docker auto-survive kernel upgrades and restart?

Brief question: Docker, Ubuntu 16.04, auto-security-upgrades & reboot. Then how can I ensure the newest linux-image-extra-`uname -r` has been installed before Docker attempts to start the containers after an…
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What if I don't declare a reused volume in the top level `volumes` key of a compose file

The compose specification says: To reuse a volume across multiple services, a named volume MUST be declared in the top-level volumes key. I am currently trying to debug an application with a docker bind mount issue. I noticed that the compose.yaml…
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Error running an Docker container or docker compose with postgres, golang and Debian 11, Agora appbuilder backend

I spun up a Debian 11 EC2 on AWS, and installed postgres 14.5 on it and docker and docker compose on it.I added a superuser to postgres of "admin' with a password. I created my docker-compose.yml file and a .env file. When I try to use the…
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Assets returning 504 when port is not specified in the browser using an nginx reverse proxy

If I visit hxxp://grafana.home.lan, I received a 110 connection timed out error on some assets which do not allow the application to work correctly, in this case, Grafana. Though, I will add this is not just happening with the Grafana service, it is…
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Run Docker Registry behind iptables

I am trying to run a private docker registry on my CentOS 7 VPS which is running httpd apache and iptables. When I start the container, docker run -it -p 5017:5000 --name registry registry, I try to run curl http://localhost:5017/v2 and I get the…
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MongoDB Container Docker not working. MacOS

Any time I try to access my container it shows the path isn't found? I get this error "mongo": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown How can I fix this? Docker-compose file and output
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Docker run SED command before container starts

I'm running Rundeck with docker-compose and Dockerfile and i need to modify a value inside a file which is inside the container. I can copy the modified file from another place (local) and place it inside the container while the build phase is in…
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Runing portainer on a new docker/docker compose install

Here is my .env file : PUID=1000 PGID=1000 TZ="Europe/Paris" USERDIR="/home/sylvain" DOCKERDIR="/home/sylvain/docker" DATADIR="/srv/storage" Here is my composer file : version: "3.9" ################ NETWORKS # You may customize the network subnet…
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How to best proxy multiple domains for HTTP/HTTPS to different ports via Nginx

I want to proxy multiple domains (that all point to the same single server) to different services (running on different ports). Basically I want to run 2-3 webservers (e.g. Gitea in a docker-compose setup with Gitea, Postgres, Nginx and Certbot for…
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Docker + Wordpress: styles, scripts, images are not loading in my theme

I'm trying to figure out, why my assets like CSS, JS and images are not loading in my theme when running installation on Docker. Here's my docker-compose.yml version: "3.3" services: db: image: mysql:8 container_name: blogpn_mysql …
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How to prevent IP masquerading when allowing Docker containers to talk to each other?

I'm running a Mastodon instance using docker-compose, which builds and runs several containers, that connect to each other through a Docker internal network (the relevant docker-compose.yml). I'm running this on an up-to-date Debian 11 server. The…
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Nginx blocking static files in docker-compose

I'm running docker-compose on internal port 8732, Nginx works as a proxy server, which is listening to the request from 80/443 and forwarding them to internal 8732. The problem is the static files (.css, .js, .png) not serving and getting error 404,…
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Docker with Nginx and "external" container. 502 error after "external" container restart

I have 2 different docker-compose YML files in 2 suppurate directories. They are both on the same server and on the same Docker network. My containers with application is in the first YML file and the second YML file has only one Nginx container…
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