I am using Docker and Docker Compose to manage my containers. For backup reasons, I previously had all my Docker files (volumes etc.) running on /home/docker which was symlinked via /var/lib/docker -> /home/docker.

After a while I decided moving my /home/docker directory to a different SSD using

$ cp -r /home/docker /my/new/ssd/docker 
$ rm /var/lib/docker 
$ ln -s /my/new/ssd/docker /var/lib/docker 
$ rm -r /home/docker

which I fear changed all the permissions since I can't run most of the containers anymore due to permission issues.

Example: Azuracast throws following error:

{"level":"error","time":"2022-07-22T23:30:02.243","sender":"service","message":"error initializing data provider: open /var/azuracast/sftpgo/sftpgo.db: permission denied"}

where /var/azuracast is being stored on a docker volume.

I now want to restore all those permissions.

Is there a way to restore Docker permissions for all existing volumes or to tell Docker to take care of this?

What I tried so far: I recursively changed all permissions to root:root using chown -R root:root /my/new/ssd/docker.

This problem is causing serious issues for my server environment and I'm aware that using cp -r instead of rsync -aAX was a huge mistake so I would greatly appreciate any help here.

Thanks a lot in advance.

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