Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

IIS Configuration Management... Alternatives to MSDeploy and Web Farm Framework?

In my experience both IIS Web Farm Framework and MSDeploy is doing a really poor job of managing configurations between servers. While the idea behind the Web Farm Framework and MSDeploy is awesome, I don't think any of those two have done a good…
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2 answers

Server configuration automation for windows server on ec2, how much can be done?

I believe stackexchange runs on IIS and windows server. I understand windows server doesn't have anything similiar to chef/puppet, but it does have powershell and probably other things I am not aware of. How much configuration management can be done…
4 answers

What configuration management solutions exist in a non-networked environment?

My servers exist in an environment without outside network connectivity (this is a requirement), so when I deploy updates all packages, binaries, config files, etc. must be included on the delivered media. And of course I want some sort of…
3 answers

How to manage configuration & automatic rollout of 20 virtual machines

I have a TeamCity build server, with about 20 "build agents", both Windows and MacOS machines. Often, I need to install a newer version of XCode or VisualStudio or some other tool. Having to do this on all machines manually is boring and error…
2 answers

Generating/managing config files for hosted application

Edit - I'm starting to look into Perl's Template-Toolkit. It seems to fit the bill nicely for the problem described below. Has anyone played with it? Any (detailed) advice? I asked a question about config management, and haven't seen a reply. It's…
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Ansible variable precedence

I'm trying to understand variable precedence in Ansible - more exactly the part about host_vars and group_vars in inventory or playbook. My layout looks like this: production/ ├── inventory (alfa, beta and gamma hosts) ├── group_vars/ │   └── all…
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How to remember/cache or specify private key passphrase for Ansible

Just starting out with Ansible, I have set up an Asible user on the client machine and created a set of keys from OpenSSL. I am running Ansible under my own account. I have specified the user and private key file in the Ansible configuration. I want…
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2 answers

What's the right way to switch from CFEngine to Rudder?

We have an existing cfengine3-community installation with lots of custom promises and it runs on about 50 machines. I'm interested in switching to Rudder, and I'm wondering about the best way to migrate. The newest version of Rudder seems to be…
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2 answers

How can I provide services to an internal air-gapped extranet

Background - "Extranet" We have about a dozen users that are on what I would call an Extranet. It is an air-gapped LAN that is physically in the same location as our primary LAN. We share the Extranet LAN with a sister agency which is in another…
2 answers

How to use Ansible to manage multi-server with multi-website configuration?

I have researched Ansible to provision new servers and this works great. My play installs MySQL, Nginx and all the rest. Now I wonder what is the best way to use it as configuration management tool as well. We run multiple websites on each server.…
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1 answer

any sense in having multiple, distinct puppet masters?

I am wondering is whether it makes sense to have a single machine connect to multiple, distinct Puppetmaster instances. My use case is that i have different privilege level I want to grant to server operators. We already operate a fairly (~100) wide…
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1 answer

SCCM Report: Update Compliance per Device in a collection

I'm trying my hand at building a custom SCCM report and could use some help from those who have more experience with the database structure than I do. What I would like is to list: Device Collection Device Software Update Group The idea is…
3 answers

Manage config files using hardlinks and subversion?

I'm considering hardlinking config files into a working copy of my SVN config repository. Is there any reason why not to manage config files this way? Assume /home/user/confmgr/confs is a working copy of my config repository. Then I could hardlink…
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6 answers

Site System Configuration Management -- what's there to help me?

I have just started a gig and have inherited a large collection of heterogeneous UNIX systems of the following flavors all running: hpux (11.11, 11.31), aix, mpras, sun solaris (sun 8 9 10), redhat (as3, as4, as5) , and suse (9 10 11). What would…
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1 answer

How can we force a puppet manifest and module syntax check prior to version control check-in?

I am working on deploying version control for our puppet modules and manifests. I want to enforce a workflow that requires a puppet module and manifest code check prior to a check-in of changes. This would be useful since it would prevent the…
Belmin Fernandez
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