Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

Kubernetes, Docker and vm.max_map_count

While attempting to run ElasticSearch on K8 I ran into an error that would kill the container: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144] Fortunately this is pretty well documented and I was able to…
1 answer

Using Ansible ini_file with nested dict?

What I am trying to achieve is the following. Suppose we have a playbook similar to the following one: --- - hosts: local tasks: - ini_file: path: test.ini create: yes section: "{{???}}" option: "{{???}}" value:…
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2 answers

Salt top.sls does not update on `salt-run fileserver.update` with gitfs

I have a single salt minion connected to the salt master. I recently renamed a large .sls from 'webserver.sls' to 'jetty.sls'. I use a gitfs backend with pygit2 and ssh. I have only enabled the gitfs backend. /etc/salt/master: fileserver_backend: #…
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Using /etc/services for in-house well-known ports

I couldn't find anything much about this, but I'm interested what are pros and cons (if any) in using /etc/services for in-house software? On my Linux distro (Ubuntu 14.04) at the end of /etc/services is a comment: # Local services hinting that it…
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2 answers

Is there a way to script the installation of System Center Configuration Manager updates listed in Software Center?

We have a very tight outage window and for many of our systems, the servers must be rebooted in the correct order. Because of this, I would like to script our updates. I have attempted to use this Powershell script found in the Microsoft Script…
3 answers

Is there any strong, well tested and general purpose puppet recipes-base to be used as starting point for customization?

I have configured a working cobbler system that successfully handles my bare metal server deployment and I'm going to start the configuration management issues using puppet (integrating it as much as possible with cobbler of course). As it seems…
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2 answers

puppet fileserver serve non-module file

I'd like to server file which is located in /etc/puppet/files/key.pgp file { "/var/www/key.gpg": ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///files/key.gpg', } I'm getting this error: Not authorized to call find on…
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2 answers

How can I automate a new linux server's initial setup?

Every time I setup a new server, I follow a series of steps on each server in order to get updates, set passwd, remove login via root user, customize a familiar environment (bashrc) and secure the server. Is it possible to do all that using a…
3 answers

how can I call ruby function basename in puppet

I'd like to call function File.basename which is available in Ruby. Is it possible in puppet? Something like: $filename = basename($download_url)
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2 answers

How to configure rudder-agent?

When configuring rudder-agent, the doc says to fill policy_server.dat with the rudder-server hostname: echo 'rudder-server' > /var/rudder/cfengine-community/policy_server.dat Should i use preferably the fully qualified domain name (fqdn), or the…
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3 answers

"Shutdown" in a show running configuration

When you see the word 'shutdown' in the output of a 'show running-config' command on a Cisco router... what does that exactly indicate? My basic assumption would be that it means that interface is shutdown and not operating. Is there more to it than…
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2 answers

Return from Chef recipe without rising an exception

Is there a way to return from Chef recipe without rising an exception? Say I have a long recipe. I want to add a ruby block to it's beginning which will check some condition (for example directory presence) and stop processing this recipe (but…
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5 answers

How do I (robustly) remotely execute tasks on Windows workstations in a domain?

I'm not even sure if "robustly" is a word. Anyway. Context: We have a few hundred Windows 7 workstations on a LAN. We use AD/GPO management pretty heavily, but there are a lot of periodic and/or manual maintenance tasks we need to do that can't be…
Zac B
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3 answers

Is it an unsafe practice to symlink /etc conf files?

To manage the configuration of a server, I keep some configuration flies (located in /etc) under version control (in the home folder) and then symlink to them from their /etc locations: /etc/someprog/c.conf ->…
2 answers

Patching with Puppet

I am new to Puppet, and I am wondering if it is an effective solution for patch/pkg management on Solaris as well as Linux. I am more interested on the Solaris side. So far am unable to locate any relevant documentation. Where can I find…
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