Questions tagged [cfengine]

CFEngine is a configuration management tool.

CFEngine is a configuration management tool that allows you to automate system configuration and administration. It is lightweight and scalable. CFEngine 3 is a completely redone version of the tool, with a new configuration language that makes it easier to extend and use the language.

41 questions
5 answers

What's the strengths and weaknesses of existing configuration management systems?

I was looking up here for some comparisons between CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, bcfg2, AutomateIt and whatever other configuration management systems might be out there, and was very surprised I could find very little here on Server Fault. For instance,…
Daniel C. Sobral
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1 answer

Configuration Management overkill for 3 node clusters?

I have 2-3 node clusters for our load balancers and various web applications. I'm having to make the change in QA first, then in staging (on 2-3 servers), then in production (on 2-3) servers. Is a configuration management tool like chef or puppet…
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4 answers

How to set up Cobbler with Puppet or Cfengine?

I've heard a lot about using Cobbler together with Puppet/Cfengine for rapid deployment & configuration. Can you point me to some tutorials or share you experience of how you do it? Would also love to hear about any other systems you use for rapid…
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2 answers

How can I use the output of a command in cfengine3

I want to list a directory content and use the result somewhere else: bundle agent test { commands: "ls /tmp/test/"; reports: ubuntu:: "print output here for example"; # or add it to a variable which is how I really want…
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3 answers

Using revision control for Windows server configuration?

Does anyone have experience with Puppet or cfengine like setups for a Windows server environment? Is there such a thing? I am looking to track configuration file and file security changes over a period of time. I would also like to store…
Eric H
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4 answers

What configuration management solutions exist in a non-networked environment?

My servers exist in an environment without outside network connectivity (this is a requirement), so when I deploy updates all packages, binaries, config files, etc. must be included on the delivered media. And of course I want some sort of…
5 answers

Puppet performance compared to CFEngine

I'm trying to decide between using Puppet or CFEngine for my configuration management system. Performance is going to be a key factor, and research on the internet suggests CFEngine uses less memory and CPU cycles compared to puppet. However,…
2 answers

What's the right way to switch from CFEngine to Rudder?

We have an existing cfengine3-community installation with lots of custom promises and it runs on about 50 machines. I'm interested in switching to Rudder, and I'm wondering about the best way to migrate. The newest version of Rudder seems to be…
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2 answers

Configuration Management Software for Linux for "harvesting" config-files

Managing 50 servers manually, and been looking through the different cms for linux (cfengine,puppet,chef etc) It's use will primarily for CM for config-files. Is there a cms out there that gather information from the existing servers? So i don't…
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1 answer

Is cf-serverd necessary?

Since a cfengine client can run autonomously based upon the files in its 'inputs' directory, why is it necessary to have a policy server running cf-serverd? Would some other file distribution mechanism (NFS, pull from source control, transfer from…
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1 answer

Setting cfengine3 class based on command output

This question is very similar to How can I use the output of a command in cfengine3 but the answer does not apply in my case I believe. I want to update a git repository via "git pull" and based on whether that lead to changes trigger some follow up…
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3 answers

Is there an automated method to simplify cfengine config?

I work with a cfengine installation that has grown organically and become quite complicated. Some stanzas use many classes, e.g., class1&(class2|class3)&!class4|class5 Is there some tool that would take a cfengine config and simplify it, similar to…
Mark Wagner
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5 answers

Install Automation across *nix + Windows

Am looking at Puppet and Cfengine. Unfortunately neither can do Windows deployments. Can you suggest some alternatives? Thank you.
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Is there a way to change the cfengine policy server IP without re-bootstrapping all the clients?

We need to change the IP address of our cfengine policy server. It will be the same machine, and nothing else will change, it's just going to have a different ip. Is there some way to avoid re-bootstrapping all the client machines to that new…
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3 answers

cfengine3 outputs directory

I have started running cfengine3, using cf-execd to schedule runs of cf-agent at the default interval of every 5 minutes. cf-execd captures the output of cf-agent (which is run with the --inform option), storing the output in the $WORKDIR/outputs…
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