Questions tagged [puppet-agent]

Required to run puppetcode on a host from a Puppetmaster or master-less (puppet apply)

94 questions
2 answers

New server unable to fetch configuration from Puppetmaster due to some ssl error

Three machines in the production environment had some hardware issues and were decommissioned. The infrastructure team has reinstalled them and gave them the same hostnames and IP addresses. The aim is to run Puppet on these systems so these can be…
Itai Ganot
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2 answers

Puppet agent certificate verify failure

I have a Puppet Master/Agent set up, and have successfully signed the certificate for the agent on the master. However, when I run puppet agent --test I get a failure that looks like this: Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent…
John Smith
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7 answers

How to disable automatic scheduled Puppet runs that occur every 30 minutes?

Aim The aim is to disable automatic Puppet-agent runs that occur every 30 minutes. It is possible to change the interval, but the automatic Puppet-agent runs should be disabled completely. Attempt one According to this documentation it should be…
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1 answer

Copy folder and its subfolders from puppet master to agent

I'm trying to copy folder /vagrant/scripts and its sub-folders located on puppet master into the agent. I use the following config in the init.pp: file { '/home/vagrant/scripts': ensure => 'file', source => 'puppet:///modules/ycsb/scripts', …
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1 answer

How to run Puppet on multiple nodes at once using MCollective?

Aim At the moment there are more than 100 systems in the office and the expectation is that the number will increase. All systems are managed by Puppet. If Puppet code changes on the Puppet Master and needs to be implemented on multiple systems,…
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2 answers

Installing packages with dependencies using puppet

I am new to puppet, for the process of learning it I created Puppet Master and Puppet Slave setup and configured a mysql module to install mysql on Puppet client. Below is the manifest file. class mysql { package { ["mysql-server-5.5",…
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1 answer

PuppetDB: unable to get local issuer certificate

I'm attempting to use puppetdb on but I'm running into some issues. I have a node called puppet. It is the master as well as where I've installed puppetdb. It's also a node that puppet manages. When I run puppet -t on the puppet node I…
Kyle Decot
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2 answers

r10k: proper merging workflow with git

I am currently running Puppet with in masterless mode. I am using r10k for module and environment deployment. Simplified version: The r10k control repository has two branches: testing and production. Changes in production will be automatically…
M. Glatki
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1 answer

any sense in having multiple, distinct puppet masters?

I am wondering is whether it makes sense to have a single machine connect to multiple, distinct Puppetmaster instances. My use case is that i have different privilege level I want to grant to server operators. We already operate a fairly (~100) wide…
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1 answer

What services do I have to restart to effect config changes in puppet.conf when using foreman?

I have puppet 3.8.4 installed via the latest foreman installer. I enabled the $facts['fact_name'] hash by putting these lines in my puppet.conf: trusted_node_data = true trusted_server_facts = true I restarted some services to try to affect the…
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1 answer

Can't run puppet device (Could not request certificate: Could not write to... privatekeydir)

I setup puppet 4.3 on a Centos 7 server. This is a puppet master that is also running puppet agent. I am attempting to setup Puppet Device to configure a router. when I attempt to run puppet device I see this error: sudo puppet device…
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0 answers

Understanding packets dropped by iptables from puppetmaster

I am seeing packets getting dropped during my puppet client runs on a semi regular basis. And I do not understand what is causing this. I should mention that Puppet is managing the firewall rules via puppetlabs/firewall module. But the rules do…
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2 answers

How to detect NVIDIA GPU with Puppet

I have some tasks I only want to run on machines that have NVIDIA GPUs. Is there a good way with Puppet to be able to determine if a specific agent has an NVIDIA GPU or not? I'm able to do it in bash by checking to see if /usr/bin/nvidia-smi exists,…
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1 answer

How can I store the output of a Linux command in a Puppet file?

I want to create a new file on a specific Puppet agent and store the output of a Linux command to the file. Is there an easy way to do this with the content attribute? The command I want to run is file { '/home/akrall/out_string': ensure =>…
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1 answer

Windows Puppet Agent - Package Manifest - Extra Slashes

I'm attempting to use Puppet to install an application that requires parameters to be passed to the underlying MSI is a specific way. Example: package { 'Vendor Application': ensure => '', source => 'C:\setup.exe', install_options =>…
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