Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

A testing framework for Linux server configuration management

We are a medium sized shop that uses Puppet for Linux configuration management. Since we are a small shop, it's difficult to deploy and maintain DTAP environment. We normally perform manual testing after configuration changes. I would like to…
Belmin Fernandez
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2 answers

How to update grub with puppet?

I would like to change a line in /etc/default/grub with puppet to this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory" I've tried to used augeas which seems to do this magic: exec { "update_grub": command => "update-grub", refreshonly =>…
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1 answer

Is it worth it to do revision control/puppet/etc. on a single-server-setup?

After reading What solutions exist to allow the use of revision control for server configuration files?, I decided to install etckeeper on my server. However, it's a one-server setup, so I only have one physical machine and no load balancer, etc.…
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3 answers

What are your recommendations on storing passwords for configuration management?

I've seen many recommendations to versionize configuration management system. How do you suggest one deals with passwords that are needed for application security? Versionize them, too?
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1 answer

Which way is the most 'elegant' way of installing packages with Chef?

I have 3 different ways to install said package, and I prefer option #1 the most, but I wanted to see if there was a reason to use option #2 or 3 or any other options? (My goal of this question is to get feedback of different ways to do this; and…
Scott M Likens
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3 answers

versioning system with less duplication of data

We have a homegrown config management system and we'd like to add config file versioning to it in a simple way. My first thought was svn (or similiar), but I'm concerned with creating a repo in one location, just to check it out in another location…
Kyle Smith
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1 answer

update manager to update remote software (windows)

We deploy windows machines with a 3rd party application that we modify slightly (config files and images) just after we install it on the soon to be deployed systems. This application does not have any auto update feature, but does have updates come…
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2 answers

Testing apache config changes

What's the best way to reconfigure an apache server that's hosting a production site? The basic workflow I use is as follows: Make a test server that's as similar to production as possible Reconfigure the test server so it's working the way I want…
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4 answers

Configuration Deployment to Linux Systems

I'm looking for a nice way to add / remote ips (and possibly interact with an asset inventory system to track where ips are), start / stop processes, download logs, and all around genearal system admin duties from one place. It's okay if I require…
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3 answers

maintaining entries in linux config files like syslog.conf automagically in a robust manner

sometimes I want to automatically add a config to a conf file that I can scriptably remove later, for example I want to temporarily make 10 hosts log to a remote syslog server. So I so something like this in a script; ##some other commands echo…
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2 answers

Puppet: Replacing create_resources() with hash iteration

We're migrating from Puppet 2 to 5. It seems the scoping is a little different. Before, when using create_resources() with a hiera_hash and a default hash, variables from within the calling script were available to the ERB, but now they don't seem…
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1 answer

How to make Rudder set different config for each node?

How can I make Rudder set a config dynamically depending on which node it is applying the directive? For e.g. - Managing hundreds of nodes, each is supposed to have a file 'storage_password' which contains a 32-digit password, unique to each…
Vinícius M
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1 answer

Is there a way to manage QLogic fiber switches on Windows 10 using a GUI?

I am trying to manage our two QLogic SANBox 5800v fiber switches from my Windows 10 workstation. Unfortunately, due to I think Java and IE compatibility issues, the web UI does not work on a Windows 10 machine. Firstly you have to jump through hoops…
James Edmonds
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1 answer

Best deployment and configuration tool for servers with limited internet connection

I am looking for the best available option for a Linux server deployment and configuration management. Unfortunately this is not a typical scenario with servers placed in a data center. Instead we have multiple remote servers with limited internet…
1 answer

IT helpdesk - remote management of user profiles

I have a question. I wonder what is the best approach for managing user profile enviroment on their computers? For example if there is an task for administrator to solve a problem on users profile on his PC. User is not behind his desk, so remote…