Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
2 answers

Improve MariaDB Execution Time

I have a database with one table and three fields (id, hash, creation time). This table got around 30 million records, the execution time for a query like SELECT * from `table` WHERE hash='blahblahblah'; This query is taking around 40 seconds to…
1 answer

Back up arbitrary config files on linux servers in RANCID

I use RANCID to back up router and switch configurations. I'd also like to be able to have it take automatic backups of configuration files on my servers so I can easily see when changes occur and if something breaks, revert to the last known…
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0 answers

Which Type to use for creating Storage Transfer jobs via Deployment Manager

I'm trying to create and manage a TransferJob for Google Storage Transfer service via Google Deployment Manager. The aim is to copy objects from one Cloud Storage bucket to another daily. Since I can't find any example code, just the API, I'm trying…
0 answers

ansible set static IP centos 7

I am new to ansible and I am trying to execute a very simple playbook : assign a static IP address to a centos7 machine I just cloned in Virtualbox. I am starting from scratch as I surprisingly haven't found a simple playbook (accessible to new…
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0 answers

Preventative config settings to ensure long-running PHP scripts don’t create hanging MySQL transactions and failure

I’d like to know if there is a PHP/MySQL configuration option (or combination of options) that can prevent long-running PHP scripts in a small number of places from creating hanging and sleeping MySQL transactions that accumulate and can cause the…
1 answer

Can't Access CIMC

I have a Cisco UCS C220 M3, and it has the Flash/Java-based CIMC interface. When getting Flash, the only versions are for Chromium-based browsers and Mozilla-based browsers. However, neither of those browsers support Java anymore, according to this…
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1 answer

Salt Pillar: How to use different values for prod / dev?

I'm not sure if I am thinking about this the right way, but here is my Problem: I want to use the same Salt state and pillar configuration for production, development and test servers. The only difference should be: Which minions are used The…
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2 answers

Using Configuration management tools to synchronize large files

We are looking into using a configuration mangement tool (like Salt or Puppet) to automate what is currently a lot of manual work. One requirement is that we have to distribute rather large files / directories to our servers (in sum about 400gb). In…
1 answer

ansible Dynamic inventory Hosts value does not accept list of hosts

I am trying to create dynamic inventory for my setup. everywhere i see examples of IPs and hostname as list. but when i provide hosts value as list it error's out and says it has to be dict. Below inventory i am providing to playbook, { "all":…
1 answer

Which server configuration management tool to use for my personal nextcloud deployment

I want to deploy a personal nextcloud application. I already have setup nextcloud using docker-compose, which tool should I use for server configuration management? I have the following things to cater to. SSH setup Kernel hardening Network…
Shaz Hemani
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0 answers

Any downside to using `sudo git` to upload `/etc/nginx/sites-available/` and `/etc/nginx/ssl/` config files on github?

I'm contemplating uploading config files from /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and /etc/nginx/ssl to a private Github repository. Doing so would require me to use git with sudo (or from root user) for the ssl folder at least (which can only be read by…
Jean Monet
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1 answer

Best practice for production server configuration changes?

Changing the configuration of a production server is dangerous. A safety measure might involve taking a full system image snapshot prior to the change, changing the configuration and then, in the event of a severe problem, restoring from the…
James Bowery
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1 answer

How to edit .conf files from a script

On a new VPS I might want to ensure that certain config values are set, or amended if they already exist. For example in /etc/systemd/journald.conf I want to set SystemMaxUse=100M if it's not already set, or in /etc/ssh/sshd_config I want…
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1 answer

linux servers configuration management best practice

I have a bunch of servers where I periodically need to perform various operations, such as adding new repositories, installing packages, changing a couple of lines in configuration files, what approaches exist to propagate such changes? Which are…
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1 answer

Automating windows configuration

This is more a workstation question than server itself, but I believe is best suited in this site: I want to automate Windows 10 Pro workstation configuration settings. I want to be able to automate installation of several tools into windows…
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