Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to consume the Application Catalog Web Services Point from a custom application in the internet?

I have a scenario where will have a server running Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (I'm sure the latest available version), and I need to allow users to install applications to their machines from the internet, via a custom…
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Display and edit file through jenkins

I have some json and python configuration files in my aws environment which needs to be edited or modified on a daily basis. My intention is to write a job in jenkins which can pull the current file from the server and use an editor to make the…
1 answer

Immutable Infrastructure

I'm working on a cloud based solution architecture at the moment and want to take the approach of using an immutable server infrastructure (creating and then deploying new AMIs when updating software, OS, etc). There's plenty of good reading and…
1 answer

How to handle a private key SSL certificate with Ansible

I'd like to deploy my webserver config with copy. Is there any way to keep the SSL cert private key encrypted, and to decrypt it when the playbook is started? The reason is that I want to to use Github's private repositories. But the file will…
3 answers

Cisco ASA config management

I read that for Cisco devices which run IOS, there's a scheduler (kron) which can be used similar to Linuxs cronjobs. I followed the guide on and it works as…
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"clientless" rdp session to windows 7 professional

I am currently automating the installation of a legacy windows 7 application, that requires a desktop session on the target machine. We are currently setting up automated testing system (using Jenkins) that requires that the desktop app be started…
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0 answers

How to manage server systems so that service consumers are notified before changes are made?

Our IT department has around 90 people. We manage systems and create applications. The systems are of varying size from SAP to Lotus Notes to Tivoli Access Manager (TAM). Increasingly, the applications we create connect to these systems via web…
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1 answer

Recommended approach for configuration management of the small but vital changes on Linux servers

Folks - what is the recommended approach for controlling and recording small but vital changes on the Linux servers - creation of the group, adding users to a sudo, etc.? We use Salt for the major deployments, but I also want to influence owners of…
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Managing application configuration in aws using puppet

I have a web application with .net backend ( RESTful Services) and angular js frontend. The application is hosted on IIS Web Server. I am going to deploy the application on AWS such that I will have an autoscaling group with Windows Base Image I…
1 answer

Saltstack - Error - No Top file or external nodes data matches found

I'm trying to configure my Saltstack Architecture. I followed all the steps, but It seems not working and I'm not able to find the problem. /etc/salt/master file_roots: base: - /srv/salt dev: - /srv/salt/dev/states prod: -…
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3 answers

What is Most Reliable/Sustainable Way to Distribute a File to a Group of Windows Servers

In managing one of my applications, I need to distribute a small text file to a specific directory on a number of application servers and restart the service when a new version is pushed out. I have a fairly standard set of tools at my disposal,…
1 answer

Sharing simple tasks across roles in ansible?

I have a couple of different machine types that all need to have the official postgres APT repo defined for them in order to be able to apt-get install the right version of tools. These different machines all need to share the following: --- - name:…
2 answers

Replicating My Production Environment

I have a CentOS production server that I am currently doing my development on (I know this is awful) I'm bringing on some new developers and I want to set up appropriate development, staging and production servers. My questions is how can I best…
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Report on Changes to IIS configuration

We are currently looking for a method of verifying what changes have been made over a period of time to our IIS 8.5 sites. We have reviewed the IIS auditing event log which can be useful for tracking down the exact point in time and who made a…
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1 answer

Static Analyzer for Configuration files

I'm currently planning to analyze csv-reports from our ActiveDirectory and configuration files from our switches with Python. I'm thinking of having seperate modules for each type of data (csv, txt). But I would like to avoid writing much of the…