Questions tagged [automated-testing]

37 questions
5 answers

Best practice for testing chef recipes?

My team has created a large number of chef cookbooks. I was wondering what methods and frameworks I should look into so we can start creating tests to assure that our nodes are configured properly?
2 answers

How can I write automated tests for iptables?

I am configuring a Linux router with iptables. I want to write acceptance tests for the configuration that assert things like: traffic from some guy on the internet is not forwarded, and TCP to port 80 on the webserver in the DMZ from hosts on the…
Phil Frost
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5 answers

Test-driven development for infrastructure deployments?

I've been using puppet for deployment of infrastructure, and most of the work I do is with Web 2.0 companies who are heavily into test-driven development for their web application. Does anyone here use a test-driven approach to developing their…
Jon Topper
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1 answer

Automated hardware testing of HP servers?

As part of provisioning servers we run HP's Insight Diagnostics to test the hardware. This is a manual process. Is there a way automate the running of Insight Diagnostics? There is the hpdiags software with the option "-rd:" "Run a diagnosis of all…
Mark Wagner
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3 answers

Salt State Testing via Jenkins

All, We're trying to have automated tests in our Jenkins setup to run "smoke" and "lint" type of tests in our salt state files (.sls). All google-foo so far has yielded very little information. There is a way to test via test=True in the command…
1 answer

How to test for file absence with serverspec?

The serverspec guide on resource types doesn't explain how to test for the absence of a file, rather than its presence. This is the best I could come up with: describe command('/bin/bash -c "[[ ! -e /var/foo ]]"') do its(:exit_status) { should eq…
4 answers

Automated software testing on real hardware

I'm currently working on a small testing farm at work and especially the part of resetting the machines after a test was run gives me some headaches. Before we decided to get a couple of dedicated test machines with different hardware configurations…
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Website diff testing tool

Our CEO wants us to check all of our 100+ hosted/partner websites. Not only does she want to check if they are up and running, but she would like a diff analysis on the websites so that we can keep a log of any changes that may have occurred from…
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2 answers

Too much memory consumed during TFS automated build

We're running TFS 2010 Standard Edition, and we've set up an automated build to run whenever someone checks in code. We run through all of the automated tests (built with MSTest) as part of the build. We've configured the build to run the tests as a…
2 answers

How to detect timeouts in an expect script

Consider an expect script that spawns a command and waits for a sequence of events. We use this to test software. I'm trying to always get a failure return value from the script when there is a timeout. spawn some-command set timeout 10 expect…
1 answer

Hardware/Network equivalent to Automated Testing?

I'd like to build out my network infrastructure by using a TDD approach. Specifically, I'm not sure what monitoring we will require, but if something fails, I'd like to be able to fix is then put in place a monitor of some sort to notify me of the…
Allain Lalonde
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1 answer

How to automatically create a Hyper-V VM and install an app using PowerShell

I am designing a testing infrastructure for a WPF application. I want a system that will create a VM when a new MSI appears in a folder, and install the MSI on the newly created VM. I am using Hyper-V and PowerShell. The folder watching and kickoff…
Erick T
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2 answers

Automated test suite for linux servers and network devices?

Coming from a development background i'm used to automated (unit) testing before stuff goes live.Now i'd like to use the same approach to (new) linux (and some windows) servers and networkdevices. I want to be able to define tests / conditions…
4 answers

Managing a Testing Infrastructure

We're currently running continuous automated functional tests against the CI builds of our software. This is done on a variety of Windows based machines (around 10-15 boxes or VMs), to identify version-specific problems. The pain starts when we…
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0 answers

Jenkins: Build all commits triggered by push

How can I make Jenkins build all new commits (not just the latest) when there is a push? Note: The push is the trigger for the Job
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