Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

How to read/ modify freetds.conf (for ODBC) using augtool or similar in bash script?

How can I get augtool (augeas) or a similarly common tool to work with freetds.conf, so I can automate some configuration in a bash install script? This doesn't seem to work: augtool print "/files/etc/freetds/freetds.conf" However, this works (but…
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Best practices for puppet module management with software development life cycle approach?

How do people organize their Puppet manifests and modules in your source code repository? I am not seeing any obvious way to implement changes in Puppet in a phased manner on a single Puppet master. How are other people managing this? One master…
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Looking for a central console management software that utilitizes my RDP credentials for access

All our managed Windows Server 03+ machines are enabled for and connect fine via RDP. However, I would like a less heavy central management (command line based?) to mass manage and maintain the systems with the ability to deligate updates via…
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Looking for tool to create server configuration

I'm looking for a tool that will help me to define some configuration for example in JSON file or something containing what to install and how to setup the whole environment like install nginx, ruby, postgres and so on. Is there anything that let me…
2 answers

What is the easiest way to deploy the same desktop & software across 35 workstations for several hundred users?

Currently we have 35 workstations with WIN XP SP3 on it. Currently they logon to Server 2012 Standard (we do have ability for RDS Session Based desktops), and the users files (my documents are stored on the server). Software is installed…
1 answer

Manage workstations with Puppet and TheForeman

I'm building an IT infrastructure for managing all the workstations in my company. I am interested in Puppet and a external node classifier as The Foreman, but I see all the time that Puppet and The Foreman is based for servers, is there any reason…
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What are the pros and cons of using S3 as a data access server?

I need to manage some configuration files. The files can be stored on AWS S3 and retrieved via the URL. The alternative is to use an application server and store the JSON content to a database and exposing an API to retrieve the data. What are the…
2 answers

Tracking the linux config with git: how?

I'd like to track my linux configurations with git. My idea is to have a branch for each server. /etc is not the only one directory to be tracked (I won't git init in '/etc' ) As far as I could see, it is possible to init a git for a distant…
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1 answer

How to automate cleanup of config files from past pkgs as reported by "dpkg -l | grep ^rc"

There are a number of pkgs that weren't removed with "apt-get purge" and I would like to automate cleaning them up. You can't apt-get purge apache2.2-common because the pkg is already removed. You can still list the files that are in the pkg with…
Dan Garthwaite
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2 answers

Config Manager 2012 Application Download stuck at 0%

We have a Config Manager 2012 R2 setup with 2 Distribution Points on remote sites. In the remote site the Applications don't get downloaded, the status remains on 'downloading (0% complete)' In the DataTransferService log I find the following…
1 answer

Group Policy: How to comment on each setting?

I am looking for a way to comment on each and every setting that can be made within a GPO. Unfortunately things like user logon scripts and security settings and some more can not be commented. Is there some enterprise ready tool or method…
0 answers

Which configuration management tool has the best Windows support?

Of the major configuration management tools such as puppet, chef, salt, ansible, etc... which package has the best support for Windows server operating system?
Shane Wealti
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separate code and configuration in Jenkins

I was using home build deployment system, but want to move to Jenkins. One problem is that I do not keep app configuration in revision control system for security reasons. What could be a solution to assemble code and configuration for deployment?
Kazimieras Aliulis
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2 answers

Mac OS X Profile Manager

I am wondering if when I set settings in profile manager if they should take place immediately. They currently only take effect after a restart or log out/in. I expected to send a push notification of some sort and have the settings take place…
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1 answer

Centralising IPTables rules?

When our collection of virtual servers got to a certain size, we moved from hosts files to a DNS server. However, we still have to update the firewall rules on every machine each time a new server is added. (Since all virtual machines at the…
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