Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

How to distribure sudoers files with REX Configuration Management

When trying to push a sudoers file to other machines, the rexcm task/command gets stuck. The Problem is (so it seems to me), that the sudoers file is owned by the rex-user when writing and "other" permission is set, what leads to 'sudo' failing…
1 answer

How to backup a file before changing it with "REX Configuration management" (rexify)

How do I backup files when making a change with rex cm ( - or do I have to do this manually? I see no option in the API - description. I hope there is some undocumented feature. Background: It's mostly about the initial…
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Pushing my configuration files to VMs. What’s a good tool to bring this under source control?

I have a couple of VMs where I go and edit Nginx config files, fail2ban config files, php-fpm files etc. I want to move this to source control and push it out. Sort of similar to this…
Quintin Par
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Ansible ini_file module does not create sections when no options specified

I use Ansible to build configuration files in ini format. When I use the ini_file module with option and value pair it works as expected, for example: - name: Create configuration file ini_file: path: /tmp/test.conf state: present …
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"duplicate" a running server

Instead of using Ansible or some other configuration management tool, after many months of being the admin of this ubuntu 16.04 server, I made a lot of changes to the system: changed config files in /etc, installed packages, enabled and disabled…
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Nginx service is running successfully but returns apache default page?

i installed nginx on server(ubuntu 16.04) which already had apache2 and, done this following configuration, ->changed apache port 80 to 8888 so nginx would listen to 80 ->restarted apache and nginx in sequence. still getting apache default page…
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Is there a way to gather system configuration changes since installation?

In my attempt to replace a Linux server that was set up a few years ago I realised that nobody knows exactly what was installed/configured since. The only thing I have in git is the nginx sites definitions. What options do I have to compare a…
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Puppet overwrites symlinked directory

I am using Puppet to manage the configurations of some servers. One of the tasks is to create a specific folder structure under /www for hosting our applications. But lately, we've had this server where /www is just a symbolic link to another…
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Switch not connecting to all computers

I need help configuring a switch (Datacom DM4000). It has 2 ports, one for management and one for console (obviously more 24 ports for normal use). With a RJ-45 to serial cable I was able to configure the IP from the management port and with a…
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How do I keep 6 Hyper-V machines in sync?

Our build server setup looks like this: 6 x Windows Server 2012 R2, physical machines, each running: one Hyper-V Windows 7 VM each basically using all the resources of the host When we need to add any developer tooling that cannot be added through…
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How do I configure the iDRAC on a static IP?

I have a Dell PowerEdge R610 in colocation. When I set it up at home, the machine was assigned two IP's from my router (using DHCP): one for the OS and one for the iDRAC. Now that the server is in colocation, I have a very annoying problem... I have…
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Configure management tool to auto-configure by reading config file

The use-case is as given below: The user has a Flat File in his Linux system. This file is a human readable/editable file which contains the configurations for all the needed components of his application running on the system. For example, the user…
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What do you use to monitor and deploy linux config files?

I'm working in an environment where multiple groups share servers. I was wondering what tools are used to check if configurations files were modified, maybe able to say who modified them, and revert them to original? And tools for deploying…
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3 answers

Auto-Retry Config Push with Ansible or Saltstack?

I'm trying to choose a configuration management system for 500-2000 very-geographically-distributed hosts. Due to varying network reliability, it's possible that a number of hosts may be temporarily unavailable at any given time. For this reason, my…
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How can I WSUS and AV update and manage compliance reporting on air-gapped Windows boxen?

A.k.a "WSUS via Sneakernet?" (Similar question asked in 2013 here, but some key differences and no strong answers to that one.) Most of my environment consists of AD-joined Windows 7 workstations; I'm managing updates through WSUS and EPO, and…