Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

Deploying Java via Configuration Manager / SCCM / SMS

So my package is working. Problem is, it doesn't uninstall the old version during the install. If I run the install on the local system it works fine. Here is the command line I'm using: jre-6u16-windows-i586-s.exe /quiet
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In Puppet, what is the accepted way to use different Puppet modules in different Puppet environments?

Some people I work with actually give each Puppet environment its own $modulepath, but also have the common $modulepath. Please find an example of this below: [redis] modulepath =…
Nathan Basanese
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How to keep a reproducible server admin log?

So here is something I am always wondering about when setting up a new Linux machine, be it desktop or server: How can I keep a reproducible log of what administration tasks I did on the machine, so when it fails I can get back to an identical…
1 answer

Bacula configuration management in git, without passwords

I'd like to to use git to start managing our Bacula configuration files, but want to keep out (or mask) the passwords in these files. I've considered: looked for a setting within Bacula that allows pointing to a keyfile(s) instead of a password. It…
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Is there a more idiomatic way to switch Salt state based on host OS?

At the top of my State file, I have: {% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} {% set ubuntu = True %} {% set arch = False %} {% elif grains['os'] == 'Arch' %} {% set ubuntu = False %} {% set arch = True %} {% endif %} Later on, {% if ubuntu…
Chris Tonkinson
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Saltstack: different versions for Master and Minion

I've a little-big problem. I've an architecture with dozens of servers, everyone having a different OS. My Master is on an Ubuntu Server 14.04 and its version is 0.17.5. My Minions are of different versions, included 0.17.5 and, for example,…
2 answers

Managing thousands of machines with approval controls

We are a startup that is just getting up to speed and running into the problem of managing hundreds of machines, and having to do nightly and weekly releases to all of them as well as managing their configurations. This is typically a job for one…
0 answers

Using Management classes with cobbler

So, I've been working on creating a standardized install image, and worked out all the kinks, now I need to deliver it. What I decided to do is to use cobbler to create templated kickstart installs, but I've hit a bit of a documentation dead-zone:…
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ansible cannot download git repo on centos 7

I have this in my drupal roles to download drupal git --- - name: Install git yum: name=git state=latest - name: Clone Drupal git: repo= dest=/var/www/html/drupal/ update=no - name: Create…
grant tailor
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2 answers

Puppet for Patch Management

I am thinking of using Puppet for massive patch management. The way to go with this, based on some research, is to create a class and apply it wherever you need, like in the following case: class mypack_update { package { 'mypack': # ensure =>…
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Why my Rudder server restart every 5 minutes?

My Rudder server is working great, but every 5 minutes or so, I'm kicked-out of my HTML session, and a ""Rudder is loading, please wait" screen appears. After some time, I can use it again normally. How I stop that behavior to happen ?
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How can we ensure that a user who is not realized does not exist in that puppet node?

We declare all our users as virtual resources. E.g.: @user { 'belmin': uid => 2001 comment => 'Belmin Fernandez', groups => ['sysadmins'], } Sometimes we temporarily realize a user for a node: node web1 { realize User['belmin'] …
Belmin Fernandez
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How can I have puppet use a local (on the master) password hash for users?

We define users as such: user { 'belmin': ensure => present, uid => 308, comment => 'Belmin Fernandez', managehome => true, password =>…
Belmin Fernandez
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2 answers

System Center Orchestrator 2012 R2 - accessing property of returned item

I've got an Orchestrator runbook that is using the Query Configuration Manager activity from the Configuration Manager Integration Pack to query SCCM for all pending application requests. It appears to be working, but I can't work out how to use the…
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2 answers

Deploying Office 2013 Home and Business via System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2

It's beginning to seem like I am chasing my tail on this one so I am going to ask the question here to see if anyone else has an answer to this. I have been trying to get SCCM 2012 setup and my current issue is deploying Microsoft Office 2013 Home…