In my attempt to replace a Linux server that was set up a few years ago I realised that nobody knows exactly what was installed/configured since. The only thing I have in git
is the nginx sites definitions.
What options do I have to compare a running server with a clean installation?
I'd like to use Ansible for versioned configuration management but before that I need to get information regarding services installed and their configuration files, firewall rules, users/groups, ssh keys, domains setup, etc, I don't even know what to think of. I can see a /data
folder so this is simple but it holds www
data, elasticsearch data, and nodejs
apps, which means there is a node
installed, pm2
and elasticsearch. I found traces of a Jenkins installation but it is not running. I can see a fail2ban service so this needs to be moved as well.
Is there a way to see in a glimpse what has changed since the initial setup? I'd like to replace this Ubuntu 14.04 with a clean 16.04 using Ansible playbooks to avoid this kind of chaos, maybe dockerize some services as well, while preserving current functionality.