Questions tagged [wiki]

91 questions
26 answers

Most popular misconceptions about networking

00000001 + 00000001 = 00000011 alt text Misconceptions about Networking* Time to fess-up!... 'at some point' you thought you knew something, and it ended up not being correct, or not entirely correct…
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20 answers

Good internal wiki software

I am looking to deploy an internal wiki at work and im looking for a wiki that has a easy to use interface and WYSIWYG editor (For the people who cant find the start menu in vista :) ) Both free and paid are welcome
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4 answers

IT Documentation with MediaWiki

We are looking for ways in which to further enhance our documentation and our ability to allow easy access to the information as well as editing the information. With these ideas in mind, we created an internal wiki based upon the MediaWiki…
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6 answers

Where can I document useful things to know as a Mac sysadmin?

I've recently done some research on the directory service tools on the Mac (dscl, dsimport, dsexport), and would like to be able to document them somewhere for all to benefit (and perhaps where my work can be improved upon). I see no advantage to…
Clinton Blackmore
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4 answers

How does Wikipedia generate its Sitemap?

The topic interests me because of Wikipedia's size. It may be easy to create some crons to update the sitemaps periodically in a small site, but what about a big one? So: How does Wikipedia generate its Sitemap?
5 answers

Is there anywhere that has really cheap confluence WIKI hosting

i run a non profit and i see that Atlassian has free licenses for non profits for Confluence WIKI. But my issue is hosting. do you know if there is anyplace that has very cheap hosting rates and support hosting confluence WIKI.
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6 answers

What's the best wiki to run on Windows?

I want to set up a wiki for my team. I need it to run on Windows/IIS and if it needs a database, against SQL Server. User-authentication must use/integrate with Active Directory, ideally natively rather than using LDAP. Ideally, authorization would…
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5 answers

Total SA/Engineer Management Software

So, as we've seen all over server fault, and over the years I've built several of each system, System / Network Monitoring (I use nagios) System / Network Trending (I use Cacti) Centralized Log Monitoring (syslog-NG) Host-Based Intrusion Detection…
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9 answers

Basic wiki engine to a personal site

I am building a site for some tutorial material. I intend to use a wiki platform. DokuWiki and MediaWiki are very heavy, I have shortlisted two platforms - Boltwire - LionWiki I basically would like to have a user management based access control,…
Vivek Sharma
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6 answers

What is the optimum way to secure a company wide wiki?

We have a wiki which is used by over half our company. Generally it has been very positively received. However, there is a concern over security - not letting confidential information fall into the wrong hands (i.e. competitors). The default answer…
3 answers

Export SharePoint Wiki to PDF from the Command Line

We use a SharePoint wiki* at the office to serve as a knowledgebase for our IT operations. Recently we went through a disaster recovery exercise where we realized we had a key hole in our plans: how do you restore the services if your instruction…
Wyatt Barnett
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2 answers

Update TWiki or Migrate to Foswiki?

In my company, we have a big old TWiki portal. The installed version is 4.1.1 from 2007. And we want to update it now, but our problem is: Should we update to the a newer TWiki version or, instead, migrate to Foswiki? Our concerns are: Today, they…
Daniel Silveira
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6 answers

How is the filesystem of Wikipedia designed?

I read about FHS, and I started to consider the file system of wikipedia. On the one hand, I feel it is a security risk to let everyone know it. On the other hand, it is necessary for developers. For example, is there some rule to know where are all…
6 answers

Improved SharePoint/MOSS 2007 Wiki

We use SharePoint (MOSS 2007) for storing all of our internal documents, and it works great as a document management system. One of the problems we have though is using the Wiki feature of SharePoint. For the most part, it is lacking the general…
Doug Luxem
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4 answers

Multiple instances of MediaWiki on one server

We need to run several MediaWiki Wikis, that need totally separate user accounts, on the one server. What would be the better solution: Use separate source code and use namespaces in the database. Use the same source code along the lines of this,…
Jon Rhoades
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