Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a [web] application deployment tool, working in push mode.

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL (borrowed in part from Rake) that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPN's and firewalls.

Capistrano was originally designed to simplify and automate deployment of web applications to distributed environments, and originally came bundled with a set of tasks designed for deploying Rails applications.

86 questions
1 answer

Capistrano deployment to a VPS failing

I'm using Capistrano to deploy a Ruby on Rails app to a VPS running Ubuntu 11.10. However, whenever I run cap:deploy i get this error: cd: 1: can't cd to /var/www/appname/releases The VPS I'm using is Linode. Locally, I'm on Mac OS X 10.7.2…
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1 answer

Adding Listen 3050 to /etc/apache2/ports.conf causes mysql to crash

I am trying to set up a staging server on a VM on my local PC. Ubuntu 10.4.2 LTS 64 bit server is installed. I have another VM on the same machine running as a full time server, so I set-up port-forwarding on the router to send ssh on 3060 and http…
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1 answer

Capistrano problem in Amazon Web Service

I'm running Rails + Passenger under an Ubuntu AWS's instance. Now I'm trying to deploy with Capistrano, I already did my git repository (and upload it to the server) and my deploy.rb file (with capify .). I already ran cap deploy:setup and cap…
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3 answers

Capistrano + Nginx + Passenger = 403

I asked this over at stackoverflow as well, but still haven't received any answers that have helped me to solve this problem. I have spent almost a week at this point trying to solve the issue, and I'm just not making any headway. It seems that this…
2 answers

Capistrano requiring root password to deploy - bad

I'm using Capistrano to deploy to my VPS (ubuntu, on Linode) and it seems to be requiring my root user's password to complete part of the deployment. This is not good as I see it. (I'm rolling with nginx and Passenger.) I have recursively chown'd…
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5 answers

Capistrano security

We are using Capistrano in some systems as a deploy system. The new sysadmin we have says that our setup is really dangerous and I would like to know how to fix it. We have a deploy user called "foo" which we use to do the deployment": cap…
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2 answers

capistrano still asks for the 1st password even though I've set up an ssh key?

Background: I've setup an ssh key to avoid having to use passwords with capistrano per A basic ssh to my server does work fine without asking for passwords. I'm using ""…
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0 answers

Deployment through Rundeck x Capistrano x GitHub

I'm facing a problem to deploy code from GitHub. I have a 3 servers : Rundeck is running as Docker container on my first server Capistrano is running in a second server A third server has to receive the GitHub code Rundeck has a job to connect to…
2 answers

Nginx: Changing user

I have root and deployer users in my ubuntu 13.10. I also have nginx, unicorn installed with Rails 4 application. I'm deploying my application using capistrano 3. Problem: When I prepare a env for Rails. I'm installed nginx using root user. But…
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3 answers

Rails application only showing Nginx default page

I am having problems with my Rails application that will use Nginx and Passenger. I've already deployed the application and have setup the nginx config file as such: server { listen 80; server_name; root…
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3 answers

Enable Passwordless Sudo with Arguments

I am trying to enable passwordless sudo for updating yum on a RHEL box. I have the following line in sudo visudo. myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/yum update After doing this under myuser I am still unable to update yum without giving my sudo…
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