Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a [web] application deployment tool, working in push mode.

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL (borrowed in part from Rake) that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPN's and firewalls.

Capistrano was originally designed to simplify and automate deployment of web applications to distributed environments, and originally came bundled with a set of tasks designed for deploying Rails applications.

86 questions
1 answer

Allow a group to run all files under a certain directory in CentOS

I am trying to set up automatic deployment for my Rails app using Capistrano. Capistrano will need to run sudo kill, and I achieved that without it asking me for a password, by editing the /etc/sudoers file (via visudo, of course), and added the…
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rails cap deploy unicorn issues

Trying to get rails app deployed. Everything is installed nginx, unicorn, setup. Error Im getting: [109.etc] env RAILS_ENV=production sh -c 'kill -s USR2 '\''cat /tmp/'\''' sh: line 0: kill: cat /tmp/ arguments must…
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0 answers

How to log all commands that run at the remote server by Capistrano

I am deploying using Capistrano in multiple servers. What is the best way to log all the commands which Capistrano executes at the remote server during deployment ?
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Capistrano deploys break W3 Total Cache minify URL rewriting

I am running WordPress 3.2.1 on Linux on EC2 with Amazon CloudFront. Most of the caching/CDN services are working fine. However, minify URL rewriting is not working. I get this error in the web admin: It appears Minify URL rewriting is not working.…
Paul Schreiber
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1 answer

rvmsudo foreman export upstart without asking for password

My capistrano deploy.rb has a foreman export command for a rails app on Ubuntu 10.04 So, while deploying, I want to export the foreman to upstart script. But doing that, the command rvmsudo foreman export ... asks for root password and I cannot do…
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3 answers

Is Capistrano still maintained?

According to his blog, Capistrano's primary author stopped maintaining it in 2009. The old web site now redirects to documentation on Github, and while it seems through the CHANGELOG that there are still contributions being accepted, is…
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4 answers

SSH global $PATH

When I'm logged in my ArchLinux server and type: $echo $PATH I get... /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/core_perl But when I'm NOT logged in and try: ssh myyser@mysever 'echo $PATH' i…
0 answers

Connection Refused when Deploying Ruby on Rails application on Ubuntu Server

I'm pretty new to the DevOps world so I believe it is likely I'm missing something simple or not looking in the right places. I have deployed a Ruby on Rails application to an Ubuntu Server (on Linode). To complete the deployment I use Capistrano…
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1 answer

WP-DEPLOY : Cannot Push database

So I've been trying to set up Wp-Deploy for about 3 weeks now :( I have a digitalocean droplet that I am using for staging and was able to finally get my local environment to deploy the files to the server, however, I cannot get the database…
1 answer

AWS EC2 DNS not responding to Rails app deployment on CentOS 6 with capistrano

I'm attempting to deploy a small rails app w/ sqlite3 to a micro AWS EC2 CentOS 6 instance using capistrano (after not having much success with nginx & passenger). I follow this site to deploy my…
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ruby on rails 404 not found after deployment

I'm getting a 404 not found error after deploying my rails app. I'm using: ubuntu, nginx, capistrano, & unicorn. These are my configurations: nginx.conf upstream unicorn { server unix:/tmp/unicorn.mysite.sock fail_timeout=0; } server { …
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Capistrano 3 hangs in git:check

I'm trying to deploy to a new ubuntu 14.04 box with cap staging deploy, but capistrano hangs during the git:check task: GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/echo GIT_SSH=/tmp// /usr/bin/env git ls-remote --heads…
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1 answer

Pipe Unicorn output to Logstash-Forwarder

I have installed logstash-forwarder on a DigitalOcean Ubuntu droplet, along with my Rails app that I deploy with Capistrano. I know logstash-forwarder is installed because I can do sudo service logstash-forwarder restart. I have configured…
Jezen Thomas
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Nginx: redirect http to https

I know the question has been asked countless times. Still cant get mine to work with the answers i've seen so far. I'm trying to force redirect http to https with nginx. When i visit https//, everything works just well, but…
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2 answers

Capistrano 2 update_code task not using sudo

I'm using Capistrano 2(.15.4) to deploy rails applications (i know, trying to get to 3 but not quite there yet). We have a new server environment being set up, with IT preferring access through our own user and sudo'ing to the user to deploy…
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