Questions tagged [rvm]

RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.

Developed by Wayne E. Seguin, RVM is based on the idea that you can easily install, manage, and work with multiple Ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.

Some of the features are:

  • Install multiple ruby interperters / versions
  • Manage sets of gems
  • Perform operations over installed interpreters / gemsets
    • run commands against multiple ruby environments
  • simple switching between Ruby environments
  • isolation of Ruby environments on the same system, even the same log-in.
  • written in Bash
    • available on all #nix systems

Many other useful features.

You can find the RVM team (mpapis, wayneeseguin) on IRC, usually in #rvm on and you can find the source code at

This projects page and repository:

78 questions
4 answers

Is it possible to skip .rvmrc confirmation?

We are using RVM for managing Ruby installations and environments. Usually we are using this .rvmrc script: #!/bin/bash if [ ! -e '.version' ]; then VERSION=`pwd | sed 's/[a-z/-]//g'` echo $VERSION > .version rvm gemset create…
5 answers

RVM not picking up /etc/gemrc

in a system wide RVM .... heres my /etc/gemrc --- gem:--no-ri --no-rdoc heres the system gem env GEM PATHS: - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1 - /home/${USER}/.gem/ruby/1.9.1 GEM CONFIGURATION: - :update_sources => true -…
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5 answers

How to fix "ruby installation is missing psych (for YAML output)." on CentOS?

After rvm installation on CentOS 5.8: [rails@localhost ~]$ rvm -v rvm 1.16.17 [rails@localhost ~]$ which ruby ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p286/bin/ruby [rails@localhost ~]$ ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p286 (2012-10-12 revision 37165)…
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7 answers

Install RVM with ansible

I am attempting to install rvm with ansible on a centos-based vagrant box. The command I am running is: vars: user: "foo" - name: install rvm action: command sudo -u $user bash /home/$user/ stable creates=$home/.rvm It pretty…
Toby Hede
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1 answer

How to Install RVM and RUBY to the specific user in the salt-minion

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 for salt-master and salt-minion.When i try to install a package in the salt-minion using salt, it installs only in the system specific. But i need to install in the user specific. How to Install RVM and RUBY to the specific…
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5 answers

Is it possible to install precompiled Ruby versions with RVM?

I'm using EC2 and sometimes launch servers that I want to use only for a short time. Usually I want to install some version or versions of Ruby on them, and for this RVM is very convenient -- if it wasn't for the fact that it takes forever to…
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0 answers

Make puppet run without overwriting my gems in RVM installation

I have a puppet setup containing a puppet master and couple of nodes - this works as intended. However - on the latest node I am working on I need to install rvm/ruby+nginx/passenger. This is done using these puppet modules maestrodev-rvm…
1 answer

Can't find installed module on modulepath

I'm attempting to use the maestrodev/rvm module when provisioning a virtual machine with Vagrant, but am running into a problem when attempting to include rvm. I keep getting Error: Could not find class rvm for vagrant-ubuntu-saucy-64 on node…
1 answer

Setting PassengerDefaultRuby in Apache2

I'm experiencing a server error, which tells me that it cannot detect essential gems such as rake. Research suggests that there's a miscommunication between Phusion Passenger and RVM. RVM recommends setting PassengerDefaultRuby in the server's…
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1 answer

Error when trying to install RVM on my VPS

I'm working on deploying my first rails app to my mediatemple(dv) and i'm first trying to install RVM using this command: bash -s stable < <(curl -s and I get the following…
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1 answer

gem environment and $GEM_PATH not updating when using rvm

I'm trying to upgrade ruby and rails gem on a server with cPanel, to do this I installed rvm and I successfully installed different versions of ruby... great stuff! Having a problem though, the server seems to be ignoring which gemset to use. After…
Abe Petrillo
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1 answer

How do I get Apache's www-data to recognize RVm?

Problem: Apache/Passenger don't recognize RVM I have a multi-user install of RVM, per the canonical instructions: I then edited /etc/profile.d/ to include the following line so that Ruby 1.9 is the…
Manu R
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1 answer

Is it normal to have a Ruby process always running in Ubuntu?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with Apache2, RVM (For Ruby) and Passenger (mod_rails). When I look at the "top" application, I always notice the same Ruby process consuming about 1/4 of the memory on my server. I'm just wondering if this is normal for my…
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1 answer

Is it really recommended to build Ruby from source on production servers?

I've seen all over the place people using RVM/rbenv to install the most updated version of Ruby on Linux. On development, I understand that it may be OK to do this, but I can't understand why would I do this on a production server instead of using…
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3 answers

Capistrano error "bundle: not found"

I'm trying to deploy octopress on a VPS but getting this error bundle: not found but bundle is installed! Full error. $ cap deploy * 2013-07-20 18:08:55 executing `deploy' * 2013-07-20 18:08:55 executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start …
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