I'm facing a problem to deploy code from GitHub.

I have a 3 servers :

  • Rundeck is running as Docker container on my first server
  • Capistrano is running in a second server
  • A third server has to receive the GitHub code

Rundeck has a job to connect to Capistrano (through node) and call the cap command to deploy.

From my production.rb file:

set :ssh_options, {
    forward_agent: true,
    auth_methods: ['publickey']

So the Rundeck SSH key must be used from start to the end I think.

The result is:

git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey).

Rundeck connects to Capistrano which connects to my final server. The last step with GitHub is the problem. I have declared my key to deploy key for my project.

When I try from the capistrano server to deploy, no problem at all, I even try different keys and everything works.

Capistrano debug information does not display which key is used. I hope you can help me with annysuggesitions.

Thanks in advance.


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