Background: I've setup an ssh key to avoid having to use passwords with capistrano per http://www.picky-ricky.com/2009/01/ssh-keys-with-capistrano.html. A basic ssh to my server does work fine without asking for passwords. I'm using "dreamhost.com" for hosting.

Issue - When I run 'cap deploy' I still get asked for the 1st password (even through the previous 2nd and 3rd password requests are now automated). It is the capistrano command that start with "git clone - q ssh:....." for which the password is being requested.

Question - Is there something I've missed? How can I get "cap deploy" totally passwordless?

Some excerts from config/deploy.rb are:

set :use_sudo, false
ssh_options[:keys] = [File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".ssh", "id_rsa")]
default_run_options[:pty] = true


PS. The permissions on the server are:

drwx------    2 mylogin pg840652  4096 2010-02-22 15:56 .ssh
-rw-------    1 mylogin pg840652  404 2010-02-22 15:45 authorized_keys
  • 245
  • 3
  • 12

2 Answers2


got it with:

set :repository,  "/home/me/git_repo/myapp.git"
set :local_repository,  "ssh://me@mydomain.com/home/me/git_repo/myapp.git"
  • 245
  • 3
  • 12

Typically when I see this issue, the permissions on the server are not perfectly correct. They key will only be used if the permissions on each side are exactly set. I would double check both the file and group and the read/write/execute settings for the key files.

  • At one stage it wasn't working at all and I did some chmod'ing, and after this I do have password ssh working. So I have (a) passwork ssh working, (b) passwords 'git push', working but (c) only 2 of the 3 times 'cap deploy' was asking for a passwork are working? I've put the permissions I see in the post. Any ideas? thanks... –  Feb 23 '10 at 01:17