Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a [web] application deployment tool, working in push mode.

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL (borrowed in part from Rake) that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPN's and firewalls.

Capistrano was originally designed to simplify and automate deployment of web applications to distributed environments, and originally came bundled with a set of tasks designed for deploying Rails applications.

86 questions
2 answers

What is the "+" in "drwxrwsr-x+"

I'm working a website we maintain, and I use Capistrano to deploy. I've kind of inherited the stuff, so I'm not the one who set everything up. When I deploy to the server, it fails and nothing is updated. Since file permissions usually are the…
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5 answers

How do you keep up with Nagios/Capistrano configs when using EC2?

I use Amazon EC2 for my mobile app. Depending on load of the application at a given time, I might spawn new instances and then take them down when load is lower to save costs. How does one keep up with Nagios configurations for such a dynamic…
4 answers

Apache/PHP appears to be caching symbolic links for 60 seconds - how to stop it, or discover what is really caching the symlinks and stop that?

We have a PHP web application we are deploying to a LAMP server running CentOS 5.5 using Capistrano. Capistrano manages switching to the latest version (and rolling back) using a symlink, so our document root has to point to that…
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2 answers

Creating a docker container from a capistrano deploy

I'm having a bit of a difficult time understanding how I can leverage my existing infrastructure code with Docker. I have a Ruby on Rails app that uses capistrano to push out deployments. I want to use this capistrano script to create a new docker…
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1 answer

Apache doesn't immediately notice a change in the document root

We use capistrano for website deployments and our Apache document root is a symlink to a particular code release. The deployment procedure switches the symlink from the old release to the new release as the final step of the deployment. We are…
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2 answers

MCollective vs. Capistrano for teams used to Capistrano

If a team is used to using Capistrano for application deployments, what is the compelling benefit of switching to MCollective, or adding it into the mix? The team is already taking on the task of adopting Puppet for system configuration management,…
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1 answer

Disable colour output from /etc/init.d scripts?

On RedHat/CentOS systems, all of the service management scripts in /etc/init.d (and also run by the "service" command) produce color output. (i.e. the "[ OK ]" and "[FAILED]" strings.) How do I disable this? (The color-producing escape…
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3 answers

Can capistrano or fabric be used to setup a server from scratch?

I'm hoping there is a light weight, command line utility that I could use to setup a server from scratch. I like python's fabric or ruby's capistrano but from what I was reading they are more used for deployment purposes and not setting up apache,…
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5 answers

-rwxr-xr-x@ meaning

I have a file with an @ after the permissions -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 riccardotacconi staff 215 14 Sep 14:21 Capfile Do you know its meaning. I am deploying a Rails application using Capistrano. That Gemfile is not copies, although it is committed in…
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3 answers

How to execute a command on the server with Capistrano?

I have a very simple task called update_feeds: desc "Update feeds" task :update_feeds do run "cd #{release_path}" run "script/console production" run "FeedEntry.update_all" end Whenever I try to run this task, I get the following…
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3 answers

Is Capistrano or Puppet capable of this?

I find myself spending a lot of time setting up new servers. I always have the same exact software stack: nginx mysql php + php-fpm + xcache memcached munin I pull all the configuration and init.d scripts from my github repo. All my servers run…
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2 answers

Ansible/Capistrano with fixed sudo command ("sudo su -")

I have to administer some half-managed servers (monstly CentOS 6), where we are only allowed to login as a regular user, then do "sudo su -" and type the regular user password, and then run the commands within the root shell. I have been searching…
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0 answers

Rails, Capistrano, Nginx, Unicorn - Application has been already initialized (RuntimeError)

Can anyone shed some light on what exactly this error refers to? I'm having trouble deploying new versions of the site. I, INFO -- : reloading config_file=[snip]/current/config/unicorn.rb I, INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list E, ERROR -- : error…
Andy Copley
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2 answers

Force Capistrano to ask for password

I am deploying using Capistrano to a new server and having the following issue. Currently, I cannot add an SSH key to the server to log in with so I must use password authentication. However, I do have a key for another server saved in my local…
Moshe Katz
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4 answers

Configure sudo to ask for root password

Is it possibile to configure sudo to ask for root password instead of user password? The server is configured with a root user and a simple user (let's call him simple) with limited privileges, used to deploy all the applications hosted on the…
Simone Carletti
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