Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a [web] application deployment tool, working in push mode.

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL (borrowed in part from Rake) that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPN's and firewalls.

Capistrano was originally designed to simplify and automate deployment of web applications to distributed environments, and originally came bundled with a set of tasks designed for deploying Rails applications.

86 questions
2 answers

Permission to write using 'deploy' user

I'm currently new to Chef and Capistrano. I'm using version 3.x of Capistrano to deploy Rails 4 application. I have successfully bootstrapped a server using chef solo. One cookbook that I'm using is Nginx. Back to my simple Rails 4 app, I'm trying…
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Apache sites file without domain name

I can't seem to find this on google. I'm trying to put up a quick test site using EC2 and Elastic IP but I'm getting stuck at how to edit the Apache sites file so that I can view the site. It's deployed in the /var/www/ServerTest directory, and I…
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Can I use capistrano for this usage case?

I want to run commands on many servers simultaneously. I know that mcollective, capistrano, clusterssh and pconsole are tools to quickly managed many servers simultanesouly. An example command: du /var/log | sort -n | tail -5 I have looked into…
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Connection error while deploying a PHP application to Linode using Capistrano

I'm trying to deploy a PHP application onto a Linode server with Capistrano. I've installed Ruby and Capistrano, and configured my deploy.rb file (possibly incorrectly). However, when I run cap deploy I receive this error: [deploy:update_code]…
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Capistrano authentication to server fails but ssh for deploy user works

I've been working with capistrano for about a year deploying an app and everything went fine, until a couple of days ago when I got this ** [server_name :: out] fatal: Authentication failed after typing deploy user's password. Trying to ssh using…
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capistrano-started tomcat dies immediately, ssh'ing the exact same command succeeds

so I was playing around with capistrano and a local dummy raring vm in vbox. everything was fine and my attention shifted to deployments on real machines. A couple of days later I want to deploy to my vm again and the script succeeds but afterwards…
1 answer

Capistrano Shell Environment Errors

I'm trying to get capistrano working with rvm and passenger standalone. I had it working at one point, then capistrano suddenly started complaining about missing the bundle command. When I remove require 'bundler/capistrano', it no longer complains…
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Why does amazon ec2 have downtime after deploy when other identical servers do not?

This has puzzled me for the past few months...I'm admittedly new to server administration and I took a stab running a production rails app over at EC2. While I've learned a lot and feel pretty comfortable using it, I don't know the reason why it…
2 answers

Allow developers to deploy to server but not login (ssh) to server

This might be impossible but this is what I would like: Allow the developer to login to server via Capistrano so that he can deploy changes. e.g. cap deploy Do not allow the developer to login to the server when not using Capistrano. e.g. ssh…
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Migrate Rails app with passenger, capistrano(with rubber), and ImageMagick to Dreamhost

I have a beta app that a developer has made for my company and I need to clone their work onto another server. I have successfully backed up the MySQL database to another server and copied all their files over. They are running it as "betaQ. They…
1 answer

How do I restart a process someone else is using

I'm pretty new to ops so please don't mind if use the incorrect terms. I have a program that runs on another box. I need to restart the program after I deploy code to it, via capistrano. I tried sshing into the box to do the restart but it won't…
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the right way to do deployment with capistrano

I look for good practices for deploying with capistrano. I would like to start out with a short description how I used to do deployment. capistrano is installed locally on a developer's computer. I deploy thought gateway with capistrano option…
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unicorn and nginx, went wrong

I try to deploy my app via capistrano. It was done, but when I start to nginx and show my site in the browser I see 'We're sorry, but something went wrong.' It is bad. I use unicorn. See my configs I try to start…
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How to find your EC2 username and password

I recently took over a rails project from another developer that uses capistrano to deploy to EC2. When I try to deploy it is asking for a password. I can't figure out where to change the user and password in my EC2 account. I can login, but it…
Lee McAlilly
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Ruby on Rails/Passenger with Apache2 - setting up sub domains

I'm trying to configure Apache2 and mod_passenger so I can have one site at the root of the server and another totally different rails instance at My context looks like this so far: