Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a [web] application deployment tool, working in push mode.

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL (borrowed in part from Rake) that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPN's and firewalls.

Capistrano was originally designed to simplify and automate deployment of web applications to distributed environments, and originally came bundled with a set of tasks designed for deploying Rails applications.

86 questions
2 answers

Delayed software release using pre-fetched update data?

I am currently specing out the software requirements for a new project which will be in locations with intermittent network connections. Since some of our locations will have intermittent network connections. We will have (almost?) all software…
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1 answer

Sharing ENV variables between multiple linux servers

I need to be able to share ENV variables between multiple linux servers. These variables are used by my application. I'd like to keep these variables in sync between all servers. Application deployment is currently handled by Capistrano.…
1 answer

how to correctly clear php apc cache with capistrano

we are using capistrano to deploy our PHP application. and php-apc is enabled on the production server with apc.stat = 0. In capistrano config there is a rule to clear apc cache after deploy:update : after "deploy:update", "clear_apc_cache" the…
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Capistrano error "bundle: not found"

I'm trying to deploy octopress on a VPS but getting this error bundle: not found but bundle is installed! Full error. $ cap deploy * 2013-07-20 18:08:55 executing `deploy' * 2013-07-20 18:08:55 executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start …
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capistrano deployment script fails with Cisco AnyConnect VPN connection

I am new to capistrano and trying to run script to deploy source codes to QA server which connected with VPN. Tested script in my 'Git bash' shell in windows machine. I have no problems at connecting github as tested below. $ ssh -T…
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Archetypical user setup for capistrano to tomcat deployment on Linux box

I'm relatively new to the CD and DevOps topics and I am trying to setup automatic deployments with capistrano, which works well on my local add hoc test environment. I wonder however how one would ideally like to setup the users on the future target…
0 answers

When restarting thin via Capistrano changes aren't picked up

In my deploy.rb I have the following tasks: namespace :deploy do task :start, :roles => :app do run "cd #{current_path} && bundle exec thin start -C config/thin.yml" end task :stop, :roles => :app do run "cd…
Dan Green
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1 answer

How to create a Capistrano task to import a backup from production into local development db?

I'm trying to do something with a Capistrano task that is similar to the heroku db:pull functionality if you are familiar with it. I have a remote server. On that server I have a bunch of backups in the /path/db_backups/ folder. And in that folder…
Daniel Fischer
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1 answer

Deleting a remote directory using capistrano

I am using Capistrano to deploy a Ruby on Rails application to a server. Everything is running up until the point when bundle install is called in which case I get the error "Some gems seem to be missing from your vendor/cache directory." This…
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2 answers

Capistrano deploying to different servers with different authentication methods

I need to deploy to 2 different server and these 2 servers have different authentication methods (one is my university's server and the other is an amazon web server AWS) I already have running capistrano for my university's server, but I don't know…
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Rails + Nginx + Unicorn multiple apps

I get the server where is currently installed two apps and i need to add another one, here is my configs. nginx.conf user www-data www-data; worker_processes 4; pid /var/run/; events { worker_connections 768; # multi_accept…
1 answer

Setting up Thin, Bundler and Ubuntu

I have a very simple Ruby application which uses Thin and Bundler that I need to stick on an Ubuntu box. I've got as far as getting Ruby, bundler etc installed on the server, but am having trouble running the application itself. Essentially I need a…
Neil Middleton
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1 answer

Bootstrap and Deploy - Chef and Capistrano

I've been looking online for what practices people are using when scaling their site using chef/capistrano and have not found much procedural information on this so thought I would ask here. We are using chef in a limited way across our servers and…
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3 answers

emulate fabric/capistrano with puppet or chef

i have a few remote environments where i can only connect from outside but not from inside to outside. for my deployments/configuration needs i used fabric and capistrano that works fine but I have pressure to use a complete configuration system as…
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2 answers

In Capistrano, how to create a .rvmrc file in the /current folder?

During my deploy, I want to create a .rvmrc file in the /current folder during a capistrano deployment. How can I do this?
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