Questions tagged [authorization]

156 questions
2 answers

ssh: allow all users for one IP, and restrict to one user for public IP

I have a server on a VPN. This server has a public address and has a gitlab instance on it. I'd like to be able to connect with any ssh user from the VPN address, but restrict the access to the git user from the public address. How can I achieve…
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error in system log - Succeeded authorizing right

Just installed a fresh 10.8.2 server running contacts, DNS, Mail, Open Dir, Profile Manager and Websites. The machine is primerally used for mail which is all fine and as far as i can see there are no problems with postfix. we are however in the…
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Allow access to one directory when all others require authorisation

I have an Apache config that restricts access to to a website, using the following code - AuthName "Dyne Drewett Test Site" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/apache/.htpasswd …
David Gard
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Eucalyptus Walrus Connection Problems

I'm beginning with Eucalyptus, with some S3 and EC2 background. I have an app for which I use a personal library to interface with S3 and store/retrieve files from there. Now I want to make my app compatible with Walrus too. This is my…
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access control by htaccess and 500 Error Page

i'm trying to protect a Category of my ecommerce with a password, so i'm using htaccess method. I'm using Prestashop, and generate an .htaccess file with its integrated module, in order to have a shortly url (with RewriteRule) Now i added at the end…
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Apache, SVN and Active Directory: how to avoid duplicate configuration?

I'm trying to linking the SVN hosted on Apache on a Windows Server 2008 to the Active Directory. I understood what do I need to do to manage the groups of users on repository level: DAV svn SVNPath…
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Resolve which public key user uses to access server

Is it possible to resolve, which public key is used to grant user access to a server? For example, there are 5 public keys stored in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. I'd like to know which key has the most frequency of usage and count every auth event…
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"Half" ssh authorization to a server with git repository

Currently I have purchased web hosting with ssh access. I have created a git repository on it and if I set my public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, I have access to that repo, I can push/pull data, etc. This solution allows access for every…
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X11 for apache user

We are using inkscape to convert SVG images uploaded to our server via a web form. For this inkscape offers a batch mode via the -z option, but this batch mode has a flaw: When inkscape is run by the apache user, it breaks saying $ inkscape -z -W…
3 answers

Quick way to password-protect Tomcat?

I'm looking for a quick way to protect a Tomcat instance and all webapps running on it, so that accessing any page requires credentials (simple username/passwd). I guess Realm is the "proper" way to do it, but that doesn't seem very simple to set…
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Add printer as domain user in Windows 7

In Windows 7, one has to have (local) administrator privileges to install a printer driver, even when this printer is installed from one of the domain servers. The only 'solution' I've read so far is to add the user to the local admin group. This is…
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3 answers

Configuring SVN Access with Subversion Server

Quick background. We are running Subversion Server 1.6.5 (No Apache just the SVN server) on a Windows box with no web access. We only use TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN and for continuous integration we use the svn client command line. OK, so I've looked…
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trac ignores svn authorization settings

I am using VirtualSVN + Trac-plugin on Windows for multi-projects. I have configured users and groups in VirtualSVN, so that only authorized users/groups can access specified resource. For instance: Customer1 can access Repository1 and…
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2 answers

How to whitelist Authorization header in CloudFront custom Origin Request Policy?

I have created the following CloudFront Origin Request Policy: I need Authorization header (without Authorization header the AntiForgeryToken header is not forwarded) but I do not understand why CloudFront does not allow adding Authorization header…
1 answer

IP-based Authentication

Is there a way to authenticate an user account (active directory) via ldap only when it is requesting from a specific ip range? In any other cases, the user account should not work. Short: Is it possible to make user accounts work only in a…