Questions tagged [batch-processing]

51 questions
6 answers

prevent xargs from quitting on error

According to the man page, xargs will quit if one of the execution lines exits with an error of 255: If any invocation of the command exits with a status of 255, xargs will stop immediately without reading any further input. An error message is…
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Why is my bare-metal 16x 2.93GHz cores computer performing poorer than a VPS with 4x 2.5GHz cores?

I have a written a piece of multi-threaded software that does a bunch of simulations a day. This is a very CPU-intensive task, and I have been running this program on cloud services, usually on configurations like 1GB per core. I am running CentOS…
9 answers

Most efficient way to batch delete S3 Files

I'd like to be able to batch delete thousands or tens of thousands of files at a time on S3. Each file would be anywhere from 1MB to 50MB. Naturally, I don't want the user (or my server) to be waiting while the files are in the process of being…
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Remove files that are listed in a text file

I have a file that exported a bunch of file names that need to be removed. I need to know how to go about removing each file without having to issue it one at a time at the command line. I've thought about just cating it inside a for loop, which…
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Version v4.0.30319 of the .NET Framework is not installed and it is required to run version 3 of Windows PowerShell

I have a server which we are using for Batch processing. I can login to the server with svc_account and run powershell -f file.ps1 and it runs fine in either version 2 or 3 by the following - powershell -Version 2 -f file.ps1 powershell -f…
7 answers

Software for Utilizing Idle Workstations on Network

I work at a company that maintains a network of about 200 Windows XP workstations, and several of them are on (locked or logged out) with an idle processor and 2GB of RAM that is just sitting there. I imagine many companies are in a similar…
Jason Coon
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1 answer

Running 'top' with 'Irix mode' off in batch mode

Can anyone tell me how I can tweak the following top command so that it always runs in Solaris mode in a batch mode operation? top -d 3 -n 2 -b -p I need 'top' to output a process' CPU usage that had already been divided by the total number…
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Torque jobs does not enter "E" state (unless "qrun")

Jobs I add to the queue stays there in "Queued" state without attempts to be executed (unless I manually qrun them) /var/spool/torque/server_logs say just 04/11/2011 12:43:27;0100;PBS_Server;Job;16.localhost;enqueuing into batch, state 1 hop…
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10 answers

Batch processing on Linux

We're currently setting up a server to some heavy lifting (ETL) after another process has finished within the business, at the moment we're firing off jobs either via scheduled cron jobs or remote execution (via ssh). Early on this week we hit a…
Andrew Williams
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1 answer

Backup multiple Exchange Accounts without direct access to exchange server

For e-mail, we use Microsoft Exchange and it is hosted by We have about 30 Exchange accounts that I would like to backup to a PST file. That is, for each account that we have (all 30), I would like to create a single PST file (1.pst…
Mike Wallace
3 answers

Batch reset all iLO passwords via command line

I would like to batch reset all the iLO passwords on our HP Blade chassis without having to login to each one via the HTTPS website. How can I reset the root and administrator iLO passwords via the SSH command line?
Greg Bray
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How can I hide ms-dos window when running a .bat file?

I am running a .bat file for my script (Scheduled Tak (CronJob)) per minute. When it run, seems ms-dos window short period of time. My batch code like this; @ECHO OFF C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe -f "C:\wamp\www\tst\index.php" How can I hide…
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2 answers

Batch rename via command line?

I have a Media Temple (dv) server which I am setting Magento up on. I have uploaded a few thousand images to the /media/import directory that the client has provided me with. The problem is, some images are .jpg and others are .JPG. Is there a way…
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X11 for apache user

We are using inkscape to convert SVG images uploaded to our server via a web form. For this inkscape offers a batch mode via the -z option, but this batch mode has a flaw: When inkscape is run by the apache user, it breaks saying $ inkscape -z -W…
1 answer

VirtualBox on Windows Hosts | Export and Import batch automate

VirtualBox on Windows I am planning to deploy virtual box on around 10 computers (Vista / 7), I have setup a centos vm and exported it as an appliance with the ovf and vmdk files in the same folder. Question Regarding VM Deployments : Assuming VBOX…
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