Questions tagged [authorization]

156 questions
2 answers

How can one allow or deny an ssh login for a specific user(s) or group(s) on an sshd server?

How can one allow or deny an ssh login for a specific user(s) or group(s) on an sshd server? (I realize SE has similar questions, but not I could find any that address this specific point. All others I found appear to conflate other scenarios.)
Johnny Utahh
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1 answer

Error 404 when trying to access Kubernetes dashboard from remote laptop using SSH proxy

I have a remote cluster on a remote private Cloud to which I have only SSH access (no GUI). I started the proxy server with: kubectl proxy --address= --accept-hosts=.* And started a local SSH proxy to the remote K8s master with: ssh -L…
1 answer

dovecot with LDAP can't find userPassword

I'm new to LDAP and I'm trying to use it with Dovecot for authentication. When I test out my setup with Telnet and IMAP, it reports 'userPassword not found'. However a simple search using the same criteria brings up the userPassword…
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1 answer

The authenticity of host “host” can't be established

I'm running a web app on a Linux server which connects to other servers. When I run the project on my Play framework on loclhost it runs fluently. When I run it on my Linux server I get the above message 3 times, one for each server. I read a post…
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1 answer

apache crashes after moving to a new server

I've just moved a bunch of my sites to a new server Everything seems to work fine except of one site. I have changed a domain for that one. The old copy of site on the previous domain works fine. When I try to login to that site it just does not…
6 answers

Limiting ssh connections with a daily amount

Would this be best done through PAM?
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