Questions tagged [authorization]

156 questions
2 answers

Authorization based on custom Header (Apache)

I have a service running behind a Apache Reverse-Proxy that uses the custom headers "username" and "role" to identify users and their role. I want Apache HTTPD to restrict access to to people whose custom HTTP-header "groupmembership" contains one…
0 answers

Cannot use integrated security with netcore app on iis installed as a web site

I have a little test project in netcore (2.1.401) that returns the logged in user via CNTLM. I deployed it to an IIS server following [this guide]. I also added the website to the hosts file. If I deploy it as an application inside the default web…
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Reauthorize Google Container Registry GCR to read from Github

When trying to create a new Build Trigger I get the following response, after selecting Github as a source: Google Cloud Platform was not authorized to list repositories. Its access was most likely revoked. Unfortunately I have no options on this…
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How to handle multi-domain user in ldap

I have an LDAP I have to create from scratch. This will handle multiple domains, in which will be multiple apps. With multiple authorization based on each apps. I don't want to duplicate users, and as I learned, a user cannot exist on multiple…
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After a domain acct password change, what is the (max) length of time a windows service continue to run if not updated

I know the question is awkwardly phrased, and I also realize there are going to be multiple factors in this that don't lead to a single definitive answer. I seem recall in the past, having services that were started up and frankly "just kept…
0 answers

Difference between DOMAIN\username and User Logon Name causing problems with .NET Authorization Rule

I am currently having trouble with some IIS .NET Authorization Rules which are restricting access to an site based on the AD Group Membership. The groups are configured as Global Groups, with names GROUP NAME and the Rules in IIS are set to
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TACACS+ configuration: how to receive priv-lvl value?

I need to configure TACACS+ server to know if the given user is authenticated* and what is his priv-lvl. As a client I'm using tactest ( and TACACS+ Client Java Library (AXL). I tried with this: user = admin { name = “Admin User” …
1 answer

Active directory authentication and authorization for an application

Currently all our applications are web based and our authentication and authorization mechanism is always through the database. eg database logins and access controls defined at database. However now we are thinking of changing this approach and…
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Nginx - How to authorize access to repositories using python script

I have set up a local Git server using Nginx ( in Ubuntu ) ,Now I want to authorize users using external python script , which should authorize them against predefined database . AFAIK, I have to use uwsgi to link python script with Nginx, however…
Ahmed T. Ali
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Subversion Authorization specifics

We have a group of 300 developers. All of them will have rw access to one of the repos, but a small group of them - let's call them contractors - should not be allowed to read any other repo but that one. If I am to understand path based…
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WordPress admin password protection not working on Nginx server

I am totally confused with Nginx server password protection. It does not work as we want. This is my Nginx website configuration block. server { listen 80; server_name; return 301…
Robert hue
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Using Web Portal for SSO

I have several (.Net) web apps that are currently hosted on our intranet. I want to expose them to (authorized) external users. I want a web portal that I can use for the authorization with little or no modification to the web apps. (I.e. I would…
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Authorizing users to SSH into machine - where to configure?

Ubuntu Trusty here. I'm having some trouble deciding where in the system I should configure which users are to be allowed to ssh into the machine, and which keys they're allowed to use. I've traditionally just created Linux users with respective…
Alexandr Kurilin
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Intermittent ProviderException: API failed due to error 'The data area passed to a system call is too small. '

Running IIS 7.5.7600.16385 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (7601: SP1). One of our websites is set to globally log errors and we are seeing this every day or two. We're using an authorization attribute in our web.config that checks for user…
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401 error when setting error responses to custom in iis

I was receiving 401 unauthorized access errors on my /account/login page The controller contains a [authorize] attribute while all the actions have [allowanonymous]. I have forms and anon authentication enable in IIS. The physical path credentials…