Questions tagged [authorization]

156 questions
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Can I use authorized keys for user not 'root'

I used this tutorial to login into root without using password. Is there any way to make this work for normal user , not root user
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IIS7 Manager: .NET Authorization is missing

I've got a Windows Server 2008 (With SP2) runing. My site works fine, but the IIS Manager (for IIS7) is missing the ".NET Authorization" icon to edit the site authorizations. The ".NET Authentication" icon shows up just fine, and I'm using Forms…
Eric Falsken
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Apache LDAP authentification and authorization issue

I have a PC with a LDAP server running on it. Let's suppose the url of the server is ldapserver. I've got a base structure dc=example,dc=cz. Then I've got a base organization unit structure called ou=people in which a user called user is. The other…
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Automatic EC2 Role Assignment

Trying to understand AWS IAM resources/concepts a little better. I know there is a way to configure an EC2 (either possibly via its underlying AMI or a launch template) so that when it launches for the first time it is automatically assigned the…
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Want Apache Location to have different authorization than overlapping Directory

I am running an application in Apache 2.4. The application is served out of /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin. Access to this application is restricted to those who have authenticated with Shibboleth. The configuration (so far) looks like this: DocumentRoot…
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Can I map multiple AD groups to multiple roles on ESXi?

I have an AD joined ESXi server (v7.0) without a vCenter server. I can map an AD group to the "Administrator" role by configuring the advanced setting Config.HostAgent.Plugins.Hostsvc.EsxAdminsGroup. But is that all? Can I not map an AD group to the…
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Reverse proxy to direct different users to corresponding locations

I have a server. One of its functions is SyncThing. This app has no per-user authorization, only admin. So I decided to run different Syncthing instances for each user. For authorization process I would like to use unix user names and passwords…
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How to get Gravitee to do recursive group lookups

I have set up Gravitee APIM 3x (gateway, rest-api, console and portal). This work fine. When trying to replace the memory authentication with LDAP (FreeIPA) authentication, I am able to get the service to log users in, but they are not given a…
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Login to SSL VPN via SSO and then use SSO inside VPN for other Service Providers possible?

I have a setup where you authorize via SAML SSO (keycloak as idp) to access a SSL VPN (fortigate as sp). Now inside the VPN there are authorization reverse proxy servers. Is it possible to have the same SSO automatically authorize users to the proxy…
cu 29p
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What role does session on the Authorization server play?

I was reading about Sessions in this article It says when a user logs in, two types of sessions are create Two sessions are created: The local session ( Allows the application to know if a user is…
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What is the solution for authorizing linux users?

Entire company uses Linux distributions for users and and servers solutions. Company employees, when authenticate themselves to pc and are connected do company internal network, should get authorization for various internal applications accesable…
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Proxy server capable of injecting authentication parameters/headers into the request

The idea is to have a proxy server(like SOCKS4/5, but for HTTP protocol), the purpose of this proxy server is to authenticate requests on behalf of the users, by manipulating the requests. For example let's say that organization has AWS environment.…
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Apache X-Authorization request header

I'm using Basic file type authorization in my Apache httpd configuration. And my http request contains X-Authorization request header instead of Authorization. I'm getting unauthorized error. How can I get my request authorized? What changes I…
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Authorize an user to use a permission-required software downloaded in program file(x86)

There are several permission-required software downloaded in program file(x86) in my company. Every time users need to use them, I have to go to their computers and type the password of administrator for them. This is okay, but there's a user needs…
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Apache authentication fails with require ldap-group

I have been trying to tie apache on a windows server to our active directory server for authentication and authorization. In order to test it, I have been trying the "ldap-status" handler, with the following parameters
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