Questions tagged [cloud-storage]

Online storage of files, hosted by third party providers.

87 questions
4 answers

How to use "Instance Store Volumes" storage in Amazon EC2?

According to AWS I got 850 GB storage with the Medium EC2 server. But when i create an Amazon Linux AMI, I am unable to use the 850 GB provided. While creating it does show in Storage Device Configuration in Instance Store Volumes that its device…
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10 answers

S3-compatible Object Storage systems

Has anyone come across a near 100% Amazon S3 RESTful API compatible object storage system? What I am after is a layer that sit on top of any (preferably a POSIX) filesystem that provides Amazon S3 style RESTful API to store (PUT), retrieve (GET),…
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6 answers

How to choose a cloud service for backups

I am thinking of using a cloud service to backup one of my client's website. My (clients) main concerns are (in decreasing order of importance) Protection of IP (trade secrets, source code), user account details etc Uptime guarantee offered by…
3 answers

"Cloud" file storage Vs. Self-Managed Servers (What's the big deal with cloud?)

So I'm just going to jump right in to the maths; My web host offers a server with 5x2TB drives, unmetered 1GB/s connection and can provision servers in 5 different data-centers, for ~$200/month. If I got 3 of these servers and install OpenStack…
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How do I access a google cloud storage bucket using a service account from the command line?

I thought it would be pretty straight forward to do this, but I can't get it to work: I'm trying to push files from a server (GCE) to a google cloud storage bucket. To avoid granting the gsutil command on the server too many rights, I have created a…
4 answers

What Makes Cloud Storage (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, google Apps) different from Traditional Data center storage networking (SAN and NAS)?

Some confusion because of my question so to make it simple : "What kind of storage do big cloud providers use and why?" As far as i understand, however I am not able to find any kind of official Storage networking differences between typical data…
3 answers

AWS Storage Gateway without the "on-premises" part?

The use cases for the AWS Storage Gateway always seem to assume that the virtual storage gateway would be installed on-premises (i.e. local to the customer) and would then be synced to AWS. I am wondering about placing the storage gateway on EC2…
Matt White
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5 answers

Sync/mirror directory with Rackspace Cloud files bucket

What tool can I use to synchronize the content of a local directory with that of a Rackspace Cloud Files bucket? I need a rsync-like application to do a mirror, not a backup application. What I want is the ability to do rsync --update --delete…
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5 answers

Full-featured online backup providers for medium-sized enterprise?

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to find an online backup service that supports all of the following enterprisey features: Full-system backup for Linux and Windows 2003/2008 servers, including windows registries, System State,…
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1 answer

Azure - Setting up storage spaces direct S2D

I need to setup a windows cluster in Azure that uses shred storage, I have been told that I can use storage spaces direct, i have attempted to enable it but it complains that there are no suitable disks so cannot set it up, none of the guides online…
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1 answer

How can I run unattended backups on b2 if the application key needs renewal every day?

Backblaze b2 gives me an application key that expires every 24 hours and can only be renewed on the web page. How can I set up unattended backups if that's the case?
Antonis Christofides
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Ec2 instance down with error: cannot create temp file for here-document

Iam running my website built on ruby on rails in development mode on ec2 instance, when i ssh to that instance it says.. Welcome to Ubuntu 12.10 (GNU/Linux 3.5.0-17-generic x86_64) * Documentation: System…
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1 answer

Cloud Storage Provider with file handles

Is there a cloud storage provider that provides file handles similarly to CIFS/SMB? We are using Dropbox and we would like to receive a warning when a file is opened by someone else (if there's a conflict it just creates a backup file). We don't…
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4 answers

How to reset connection pool in Azure (Error: max pool size was reached)?

I am getting the below error in my Azure website and am scrambling to fix it: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool…
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3 answers

projects or packages to emulate a tape drive with a Amazon S3 or OpenStack Swift compatible backend?

I've got some data that is being backed up to tape via bacula, and at some point soon I am going to need to migrate to non-tape storage. Bacula supports to-disk archiving, but it occurred to me that if only there was some virtual tape library…
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