Questions tagged [amazon-elb]

ELB is Amazon's managed Load Balancer service, used in conjunction with its EC2 virtual machine cloud hosting service.

547 questions
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Trying to deploy an electron app with Amazon ElasticBeanstalk

I'm deploying an electron app whose core is a dll so I'm using windows server as platform but I got a red enviroment and this error. [Instance: i-0586c920d7538ec6b ConfigSet: Infra-EmbeddedPreBuild, Hook-PostInit, Hook-PreAppDeploy,…
1 answer

AWS Fargate Load Balancer timing out

I'm setting up an AWS ECS/Fargate cluster/service/task with a load balancer for the first time. I believe the task is good since I can go to the task's (public) IP directly in a browser and see the application. I set up an application load balancer…
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How to add condition in elbsg.config in ebextensions for elasticbeanstak

Currently, we use docker-compose and .ebextensions to update elastic load balancer security group. However now I have requirement to apply different security groups for different environment. How do I add the condition to elbsg.config ? Below is my…
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block public access to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk URL

I have a node.js app running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have setup a domain pointing to a CDN distribution which is pointing to the EBS. But the web app is also accessible via the EBS URL directly. I want to block public access to the EBS URL. how…
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Apache/AWS: How to identify local instance requests from the same VPC

In this configuration the apache server instances are all in the same VPC (across several subnets) and all incoming requests are managed via an elastic load balancer, (with ProxyProtocol=On on each instance). These instances serve 40+ websites in…
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Why is a post/upload of a 100k JSON file to an AWS CloudFront endpoint resulting in 504 error?

On a wordpress site, we have requests coming in to CloudFront, which sends the request to origin (if necessary) which goes through an ELB, and to two or three instances that will service the request. Most requests work, but when we upload a JSON…
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GRPC call returns 'PROTOCOL_ERROR (0X1)' for a .NET application on EKS

My .NET application is deployed to an EKS cluster, which has an ingress defined with the following relevant annotations alb…
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WAF-protected ALB scaling costs in DDoS scenario

I have an ALB behind Cloudfront. Both of which have SSL certificates and therefore provide SSL offloading, both protected with WAF WebACLs. The ALB's ACL checks a header - a common practice protecting ALB from direct access (bypassing CF). -SSL--> …
1 answer

Secure websocket connection to server running on EC2 fails

I have a node.js websocket server running on an EC2 instance on port 8080. Normal websocket connections (ws://) work fine but when I'm trying to make a secure connection (wss://), the websocket connection fails. I realise that wss requests are sent…
0 answers

AWS ELB(classic load balancer) response is too slow and sometimes response is not coming it is showing timed out

I have EKS cluster setup in private subnet in which i'm having my microservices and for each microservice i have classic load balancer to access API. But response is having high latency and sometimes it just timed out. I have service A which talks…
1 answer

How to make a domain name resolve to the same IP address as another domain name?

I have a AWS ELB to the gateway of an internal service. I have some other host names that I need to be resolved to the same address as the ELB DNS name. In my current set up, I'm using /etc/hosts to manually point the names to the IP address of the…
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Proxy Forwarding not woking on Nginx, Laravel, Elastic Load Balancer

I have an AWS Elastic Load Balancer that receives https requests for the domain (, the requests are sent to the server Nginx via http and the Laravel App answers the requests. The problem that I have is that Laravel is not…
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Automatic ELB forwarding rules based on path

I have an ec2 container serving inference for ML models, which need to be cached in memory to avoid cold starts. We are using an LRU cache and selecting the model based on a query parameter. As the container scales up, our naive ELB is doing RR to…
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Configuring ELB to redirecting Internet Explorer traffic to a specific page

I want to redirect Internet explorer to a specific page, which says: "IE not supported" I have configured the following rule in my Application Load Balancer to check the Browser header and if equals to "IE" or "InternetExplorer" I would permanently…
0 answers

Cannot detect Browser when using Elastic Load Balancer

Note: I have asked the same question on StackOverflow but I though it might be more relevant to this forum. I want to prevent users from using my website in Internet Explorer. What I want to do is to detect their browser on the server side, and if…