Questions tagged [amazon-elb]

ELB is Amazon's managed Load Balancer service, used in conjunction with its EC2 virtual machine cloud hosting service.

547 questions
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Unicorn behind ELB, no nginx

If I understand Unicorn right (and in particular from their philosophy doc) it seems like Unicorn was really designed to operate behind a reverse proxy like nginx. My question is: can I drop nginx from my HTTP stack, considering we have an ELB at…
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Possible to log X-FORWARDED-FOR to nginx error_log?

Nginx allows custom log formats for access logs -- right now I'm logging http_x_forwarded_for and it's working fine. The problem is my error log only shows the LB IP. After Googling and reading through their documentation, it seems error_log…
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AWS Cloudfront + Load Balancer, url changes from main domain to load balancer subdomain

My setup is as follows: user types on the browser request goes to AWS CloudFront, which redirects HTTP to HTTPS, and forwards the request to the AWS Elastic LoadBalancer ( LoadBalancer forwards the request to the EC2…
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Is it possible to use Kerberos over TLS through sssd?

Background I am trying to log in (via SSH, to an Amazon Linux EC2 instance running sssd) as users that I've created in my AWS Directory Services Simple AD. I am authenticating with Kerberos and identifying the user with LDAP (all through sssd.) I…
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The site is using outdated security settings that may prevent future versions of Chrome from being able to safely access it

We're using an AWS ELB to do SSL termination and are having an issue where Chrome is displaying "https" in red with a strikethrough. It says "The site is using outdated security settings that may prevent future versions of Chrome from being able to…
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How can I setup SPDY with Jetty behind Amazon's ELB?

I want to deploy SPDY, but I'm using Amazon's ELB TCP routing. The ELB also handles the secure connections for us. How can this be configured on the jetty side?
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Force HTTPS with AWS Elastic load balancer

I need to redirect all incoming HTTP traffic to HTTPS on my elastic load balancer. I tired using Apache mod_rewrite: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https RewriteRule !/status https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI}…
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AWS Fargate task fails ELB health checks

How can I troubleshoot it further? I am trying to run a simple nginx container but the load balancer complains that health checks are failed and the task does not respond on its ip number, likely because of the error with the load balancer. I set…
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AWS Application ELB sometimes responds 502 without calling the backend

We have the following setup: An AWS Application ELB has a target group of 4 EC2 instances. On each of the EC2 instances, there is an Apache2 which forwards to a Tomcat. It works brilliantly. Except sometimes, when the ELB seemingly refuses to speak…
Jan Dörrenhaus
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High availability Bastion host - Best practices, ELB, EIP?

I am currently trying to figure out a good configuration to make a Bastion host highly available. I want to meet the following targets: The bastion host(s) need to able to withstand a Availability Zone failure and ec2 instance failure. A small…
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Load Balancer on Amazon does not have secure flag set for Cookie

We have a java based application running on Amazon and have configured our Amazon ELB to connect to them successfully. However, we are seeing that the Cookie flag not set as Secure. Name Value Domain Path Expires Secure AWSELB…
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AWS EC2 Instance Auto Scaling Confusion

So first off I'm completely new to AWS so bear with me. I have had one instance running for a few months now and I now need to autoscale it as I am getting bigger traffic spikes and it gets overloaded at times. So let me go through what I have done…
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Using an Elastic Load Balancer with a single EC2 instance on AWS

I'm using the AWS Free Tier, which gives me one free EC2 microinstance and one free Elastic Load Balancer, if I understand things correctly. I understand that usually ELBs are used when you are using multiple EC2 instances. I don't really want to…
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Load Balancing on Amazon (AWS) and staying up to date

I would like to have a load balancer for my site and have the site up to date. The load balancer will take the AMI I select and spin up more of those instances when processing power hits a certain level. The problem is the AMI may not be up to date…
2 answers

IP Range for internal private IP of Amazon ELB

I'm trying to find out the range of IP addresses that an Elastic Load Balancer could have from an EC2 instance which is behind it. This is so I can configure the HttpRealIpModule of nginx correctly. I've found a list of EC2 public IP addresses but…
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