Questions tagged [amazon-elb]

ELB is Amazon's managed Load Balancer service, used in conjunction with its EC2 virtual machine cloud hosting service.

547 questions
2 answers

AWS target group reports unhealthy, but application is healthy

I have an IIS website running in AWS on an EC2 instance, running on http://localhost:8088. It is behind an ELB that sends all HTTPS traffic to the target group that the EC2 instance is running in, so any request to http://my-dns-name gets rerouted…
David Keaveny
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apache 2.4 config to allow ELB health check

I have an EC2 instance behind an AWS Application Load Balancer, running apache 2.4 The health check is configured to do a GET on /health/ I have virtual hosts configured, and two vhost entries - one with the servername, and one to handle incoming…
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How can I prevent apache to log ELB Health Checks in Docker?

I have a dockerized web application deployed in ECS, and everything works just fine, logging in cloudwatch every request, including a HUGE number of health checks, which are configured to hit the page /health, a blank page. I'd like to have a…
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TCP 443 listener on AWS Private Network Load balancer throws SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG

I have a AWS private Network Load Balancer setup with a listener TCP 443, the target group attached to this listener is also running on port 443. The instances attached to this target are running Apache 2.4 on Centos 7. The web server configuration…
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NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error occuring while AWS ACM certificate loaded on HTTPS load balancer for a domain created in GoDaddy

I have a node js app deployed onto EC2 instance running on port 300 and it is exposed to internet via port 80 & 443 via http load balancers. My security group allows inbound rules on 80 & 443. I have created SSL certificates with ACM for a domain…
1 answer

AWS Load Balancing and Web App redirecting to SSL

We have a [legacy] web application that redirects non-SSL requests (port 80) to SSL (port 443). The web server is IIS (if that matters). Now I wish to put a load balancer in front of this app. That will be step one towards scaling in a future…
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Prevent HTTPS to HTTP redirect on nginx AWS?

I have a wordpress site with nginx packed into a Docker image behind an AWS ELB Load Balancer. Only HTTPS is enabled on the load balancer. When I access the URL: it works fine but when I access the…
Pawan Rai
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504 gateway timeout - ELB, Nginx, Gunicorn

Helllo guys. I am unable to download long-running reports. The site is under ELB, nginx and gunicorn as a backend server. In nginx I configured following settings: proxy_connect_timeout 600s; proxy_send_timeout 600s; proxy_read_timeout 600s;…
1 answer

AWS: ELB Listener RANDOMLY "forgets" its SSL certificate and reverts to TCP -- taking the site offline. We're considering leaving AWS for this

I have been banging my head for months over this, no answer, no info, no "cure". my AWS ELB listener "randomly" forgets its SSL settings and reverts to this on its own, at random times, and without any human intervention. Every time I fix it it will…
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Using Apache httpd to simulate an AWS NLB

I'm using AWS Network Load Balancer and I've enabled the "Proxy Protocol V2" in its Target Group. Connections are forwarded to some docker containers running nginx with this configuration: server { listen 8080 proxy_protocol; …
1 answer

Why is NGINX timing out?

I have an application with about 200k users and am running a NGINX + Gunicorn(Python) server behind an AWS EC2 loadbalancer. I don't understand how my requests is always 4k/minute but only sometimes I get half of traffic being timeout issues. Most…
1 answer

Permanent redirect all http requests to include www subdomain

I have noticed both and, redirect requests to and I am thinking of doing the same for my website which is hosted on AWS. What is the best approach to do this? I am not sure if it would be better to…
1 answer

Remote Desktop Services Gateway behind AWS ALB connectivity issues

I have set up a Remote Desktop Services Gateway behind an AWS ALB. The AWS ALB does the SSL offloading and talks to the RDS Gateway Server via HTTP (port 80). The configuration works and I can RDP to instances behind the RDS Gateway, but very often…
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Glassfish 5 cluster creates JSESSIONID on each request

I am trying to configure a Glassfish cluster following the official HA guide. The app is a standard JSF app (with Primefaces). At first I thought that the problem was related to JSF itself, but then as soon as I got deeper in the matter, I realized…
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1 answer

Nginx + AWS ELB Health Status Check

I am currently trying to setup a health check on my Nginx server using AWS ELB but can not correctly configure it. I have done this in the past but this time I keep getting the following repeatedly: nginx_1 | - - [22/Feb/2020:15:29:11…
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