Questions tagged [amazon-elb]

ELB is Amazon's managed Load Balancer service, used in conjunction with its EC2 virtual machine cloud hosting service.

547 questions
2 answers

Can I use one load balance for my setup?

I have frontend website* backend app* backend api* CDN* backend services (interal)* All servers use port 443,…
1 answer

AWS ELB SSL and Health Check Issue

I'm getting very frustrated trying to sort this issue out. We have an AWS environment that uses SSL certificates at the load balancer. We also have a rewrite rule in httpd.conf that redirects all port 80 traffic onto 443. This environment works…
1 answer

Dynamic Load balancer in public VPC outbound trouble

I'm trying to setup a Load Balancer within a VPC and am having trouble setting up outbound connectivity. I've seen lots of posts saying that I need to put the instances in a private subnet to let them connect with the internet through the NAT and…
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2 answers

Why should one use amazon-elb?

Amazon-elb is a scalability solution that works like a proxy to several instances of my amazon ec2 servers. I wonder if it would'nt be more effective to have a roundrobin DNS to resolve my name into a list of aliases:,…
2 answers

Why AWS classic ELB with HTTP protocol doesn't work with websockets?

I know that there is an ALB and NLB option that works with websockets. I can't understand why classic ELB with HTTP protocol doesn't work with websocket connections, although at the instance there is Nginx which is configured to add connection and…
1 answer

How to increase limit of concurrent EC2 instances running in a region?

I am trying to add three t2.small instances to single region, in this case us-east-2, but couldn't do so. I could edit this question to tell you the precise error message if requested. How do I increase this limit?
1 answer

Cheapest High Available Web Server

I would like to create a high-available setup (e.g. a small cluster) for a webserver, i.e. it will run Apache, PHP and MySQL. There will be between 2-8 small websites running with only very little traffic and workload. High availability is however…
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