Questions tagged [amazon-elastic-ip]

AWS Elastic IP addresses (EIP) allow the assignment of public static IPv4 addresses to resources, generally EC2 instances. An EIP can be remapped quickly, which allows the user to mask the failure of instances or software.

An Elastic IP Address (EIP) is a public static IPv4 address, which is reachable from the Internet. You can associate an Elastic IP address with your EC2 instance to enable communication with the Internet; for example, to connect to your instance from your local computer.

Elastic IPs provide resource mobility within a single VPC within a single AWS region, assisting with architecting fault tolerant applications. An unallocated EIP incurs charges.

Questions specifically dealing with AWS' Elastic IP should use this tag.

148 questions
3 answers

Static IP address for outgoing traffic from AWS autoscaling group

I'm going to have a number of EC2 instances in an Elastic Beanstalk autoscaling group in a default subnet in a VPC. The app on these EC2 instances needs to connect to a third party service who uses an IP address whitelist to allow access. So I need…
4 answers

Launch instances via Elastic Beanstalk without Elastic IP configured

I'm creating a tool to deploy Docker images to EC2 via ElasticBeanstalk, so the dev team can quickly demo their work without having to merge. I don't want Elastic IP to be enabled for these apps as they are short lived. The reason I'm asking this is…
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AWS - Assign an Elastic IP to a ELB

Is it possible to assign an Elastic IP to a Load Balancer?
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How do you automate failover on EC2?

Of the folks managing their own clusters (i.e. not using/paying for Amazon Autoscale, Rightscale, Scalr, etc.), how are you managing your instances on EC2 and handling (e.g.) failover? I'm wondering if most folks just end up writing their own…
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How to use Amazon Elastic IP?

I get a new elastic IP, I attach it to an instance, but it doesn't work? I can't ping the IP from my local computer either? Am I missing something here? How do I use Amazon Elastic IP? When is a new IP assign to an instance? When I turn it off and…
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Assign multiple Elastic IPs to EC2 instance

When I try and associate a second Elastic IP to a small EC2 instance the currently assigned Elastic IP is disassociated. Do I need to use a VPC?
Ian Warburton
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How do I attach an Elastic IP to an Elastic Beanstalk app?

I can give a single instance an Elastic IP. No problem. But I have an Elastic Beanstalk app. It can create and remove instances as needed. It has a load balancer. How can I get these features (Elastic IP and Elastic Beanstalk) to work…
2 answers

How can I use a static IP address with an Application Load Balancer in a highly available manner?

I'm overseeing an integration for a customer and their vendor needs a number of IP Addresses to whitelist. The originating server(s) is an Elastic Beanstalk Instance fronted by an Application Load Balancer with all the trimmings via Route53. That's…
1 answer

What is the difference between a plain Amazon ec2 instance and beanstalk?

I am a solo developer and the sites I'm deploying are very small, usually hobby sites and I have a few questions about the Amazon services. Is there a reason for me to use beanstalk or should I just stick with a single ec2 instance? Should I use…
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Can I transfer the elastic IP one region to another region in AWS

I have elastic IP in North Virginia region, I want transfer the same elastic IP to another region is it possible ?
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AWS Security Group - how to allow Public IP from another Security Group

I have two instances in a VPC distinct security groups, each with their own public IP. I would like instance one to be able to connect to instance two on it's Public IP. I discovered that granting access to the security group, only allows access to…
2 answers

Possible to limit an EC2 key to just ec2-associate-address?

I have a regular EC2 instance with an elastic IP. The few times the instance has been stopped, I've just manually re-associated the IP with it via the AWS Management console. I'm now thinking about migrating it to a spot instance, which means I…
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High availability Bastion host - Best practices, ELB, EIP?

I am currently trying to figure out a good configuration to make a Bastion host highly available. I want to meet the following targets: The bastion host(s) need to able to withstand a Availability Zone failure and ec2 instance failure. A small…
4 answers

Elastic IP vs EC2 Public Hostname + Route53

We are evaluating to use Elastic IP on all of our ec2 instances, and we compare to the use of public EC2 hostname and Route53 (with a very short TTL to the public EC2 hostname & dynamic update DNS during instance boot). We found out the use the EIP…
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Associate Elastic IP to Interface or Instance?

What advantages are there to pairing an Elastic IP (EIP) to an interface as opposed to the instance itself? I see the point of the network interfaces - you can associate and disassociate them from/to instances on-demand without losing configuration.…
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