Questions tagged [spdy]

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY"), now HTTP/2, is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up delivery of web pages

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY") is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up the web. SPDY augments HTTP with several speed-related features that can dramatically reduce page load time:

SPDY allows client and server to compress request and response headers, which cuts down on bandwidth usage when the similar headers (e.g. cookies) are sent over and over for multiple requests. SPDY allows multiple, simultaneously multiplexed requests over a single connection, saving on round trips between client and server, and preventing low-priority resources from blocking higher-priority requests. SPDY allows the server to actively push resources to the client that it knows the client will need (e.g. JavaScript and CSS files) without waiting for the client to request them, allowing the server to make efficient use of unutilized bandwidth.

With the approval of HTTP/2, SPDY has now been officially adopted by the IETF and is now a web standard. As a result, Google (the initiators of SPDY) have given mod_spdy to the Apache Foundation. will still need mod_spdy, but Apache 2.4.7 and later have(or will soon have) it included natively. also includes mod_spdy natively.

54 questions
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Google SPDY - Has anyone used it on Apache?

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with Google SPDY on Apache? I run a couple of web servers and am interested to know if there have been any issues with the mod_spdy Apache module and if anyone has…
Luke McCallum
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How to enable mod_spdy on Apache 2.4

It has been announced by Google that it has donated the mod_spdy code to the Apache foundation. There is also a trunk of mod_spdy in the Apache SVN. However, it looks to be in active development. It's possible to get SPDY working on Apache 2.2, but…
2 answers

How can I setup SPDY with Jetty behind Amazon's ELB?

I want to deploy SPDY, but I'm using Amazon's ELB TCP routing. The ELB also handles the secure connections for us. How can this be configured on the jetty side?
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How can I benchmark my website with SPDY support?

I'm currently running a lot of configuration benchmarks on my server using siege, and I would like to try the SPDY protocol (with mod_spdy for Apache) - but siege use HTTP. Do you know any tool which would allow me to compare my website performance…
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SPDY & Nginx upload issues

I have this setting: an Nginx server with php-fpm and the When I try to upload a file after about 10MB it fails. This happens when SPDY is activated. When SPDY is turned off upload works fine. Is anyone…
Alex Flo
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4 answers

Nginx with SPDY Draft 3, is possible?

I'm currently using Nginx 1.4.1 with SPDY module. Unfortunately, the Nginx SPDY module, work only with the Draft 2 of protocol. Is there a way to use Nginx, with SPDY Draft 3?
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Nginx + unicorn + spdy + performance testing

I have a ruby on rails website that is hosted on unicorn webserver behind a nginx reverse proxy. I want to evaluate if using spdy will enhance my performance under this setup. Specifically, I need the directions on the following: does using…
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mod_spdy problems and speculations

I'm trying out mod_spdy and I've run into a problem - it seems to be incompatible with AJAX requests and mod_php as in this: The solution seems to be to run php scripts through…
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Getting PHP to work with SPDY?

I recently switched my site over to using HTTPS in all the URL's. (My post here) I am running Apache with PHP on Ubuntu 12.0.4 I was told that I should install the Apache module for SPDY since I am using SSL / HTTPS so I followed the directions on…
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3 answers

Why is SPDY breaking 'Vary: Accept-Encoding' in Nginx 1.4.3?

I've compiled Nginx 1.4.3 from source with the SPDY module. However when SPDY is enabled, it seems to break my 'Vary: Accept-Encoding' header. My Nginx…
Elijah Paul
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Does SPDY improve delivery of assets served from a non-SPDY CDN?

So my site is SPDY. All of my local assets are SPDY too. But the majority of my assets are served from Rackspace's CloudFiles CDN. This is not SPDY. Do those files get streamed through SPDY somehow, or are they pulled in via separate laborious…
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Apache mod_spdy - Enable/Disable per Virtualhost

As the title suggests, i'm looking at mod_spdy and wondering if i can only enable it on certain VirtualHosts in apache, or if it's an 'all or nothing' kind of thing like PHP.
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Custom Build Apache, where is a2enmod or equivalent command?

I compiled my own copy of Apache 2.2 for testing SPDY and installed locally in my Linux home directory. However, I can't find the a2enmod as part of the install. Where can I find that script or can someone show me the equivalent? Many thanks!
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Unexpected File Download Slowness After Enabled SPDY on Nginx

A simple WordPress static site run entirely on https. Nginx conf here: Only difference before / after is: listen 443 ssl; listen 443 ssl spdy; Nginx 1.8.0 with SSL, no SPDY: Response from transitions.js…
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5 answers

Apache HTTPD with SPDY 3.1

SPDY 3.1 has been release a while ago. Google has donated the mod_spdy project to apache ( Is it possible to use SPDY 3.1 with Apache Httpd?
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