Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
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Recommendations for high-volume request logs from containers

We have a service that uses raw AWS EC2 instances to field requests. Response times are in the 2-3 ms range. That response time is important to the health and success of the service. Part of the services job is to send the request details elsewhere…
1 answer

AWS: How do I restrict deployment to ECS clusters using IAM

I have multiple Fargate clusters in a single AWS account. I wish to ensure that a given service account (used by the build pipeline) can only update Services within a given Fargate clusters. The IAM policy editor prompt for the ecs:UpdateService…
2 answers

Can no down time deploys be accomplished on AWS ECS with rolling update when tasks use up all the container's resources?

Currently I have a ECS cluster running a service that is running a single task per container instance, each task takes nearly all the container instance´s resources. I'm wondering if there´s some way, perhaps by setting up the Number of tasks,…
1 answer

Can't install certbot on an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance

I set up Amazon Linux AMI EC2 instance via ECS (elastic container service). It seems like by default it doesn't have that many packages installed. When I'm trying to install certbot using the command: sudo yum install certbot I get errors…
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How to get the value of ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 in AWS ECS container?

The question is pretty straightforward but a little background always could be helpful. I need to get a container id from the container itself, and the value of it will be used as a logfile name. According to the docs ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4…
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How to restart a single container in AWS ECS Task Definition

In my AWS ECS Cluster, there is one service running two tasks. Each Task has 5 containers. Two of them are not essential. Among these two, one of the containers fails some times, but I am not sure how to restart the single…
Ariful Haque
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AWS: ECS/ALB setup, converting a docker-compose file, port mapping to mulitple containers

I know this is not an 'original question'. The general topic is covered extensively. Neverthless i'm struggling with my particular setup: I'm trying to basically convert the following docker-compose file into an ECS based deploy in AWS. version:…
0 answers

should I do task definition for nginx and nodejs seperate or together?

I want to up four nodejs containers and one nginx container on my ec2 with ecs. So I know that I need to create task definition for nodejs image, and service to run this task. In the service I set number of tasks to 4. so now in my ec2 I run four…
Jon Sud
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Create / Destroy EC2 instances for ECS tasks

I have various Fargate tasks. They work fine. I then have a few additional tasks that require more disc space than silly old Fargate will allow. These have to run on EC2 instances that I have assigned to their respective cluster. I trigger these…
Ben Smith
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1 answer

Production-ready Node/React app - memory utilization issues

I have an app that is deployed on AWS using ECS and recently facing some issues with memory utilization. To give you a little background: Our app is Node.js (specifically Sails.js) backend with React used for front-end In the ECS task definition,…
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Is it possible to scale up an AWS ECS cluster when a Scheduled Task runs?

I have an AWS ECS cluster whose only purpose is to run a scheduled task every 12 hours. Currently, I leave the cluster scaled to 1 instance so the task has somewhere to run. I would instead like to leave the cluster at 0 instances and configure it…
0 answers

Amazon ECS Batch job failing after six hours

We have an AWS Batch system that processes geospatial imagery out of one S3 bucket and into another. It has an instance policy allowing it to access the buckets. The system kicks off quite a few parallel tasks, and most run only for a few minutes or…
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AWS ECS Continuous Deployment issue with CodePipeline

While deploying ECS using codepipeline like specified in aws official document, two docker image is pushing into ECR. One image contain both Commit id and latest tag and other image is untagged like specified below image. In "buildspec.yml" file i…
Sreeraju V
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ECS task definition versioning

We have two clusters for deploying ECS tasks - staging and production. When registering new task definition, in container definition we set ENVIRONMENT variable (can be "PRODUCTION" or "STAGING"). This creates duplicate task definitions with just…
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Single container jobs on AWS

We would like to launch single Docker container tasks in a versioned and logged - but ad-hoc fashion on AWS. Each container task requires significant vCPU and RAM (maybe 16 vCPU and 64GB RAM). I can see several services that might help with this,…