Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
2 answers

Redirect ephemeral port to 80

I am starting in AWS and server management in general and just set up a deployment pipeline with ECS and some containers. My container : My host port is 0 and redirected to container port 4200 (Angular default port) Is behind an Application Load…
3 answers

ecs instances generated via Auto Scaling group not registering to ecs cluster

I have created an ECS cluster linked to an Autoscaling group with an Application load balancer attached. The Autoscaling deploys the instances, the AMI is correctly choosen (ECS optimized). for whatever reason the ecs instances are being deployed by…
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1 answer

How do you tag EC2 instances spawned by ECS in Terraform?

I have an ECS service that spawns some containers: resource "aws_ecs_service" "rocketchat" { name = "rocketchat-ecs-service" cluster = "${}" task_definition =…
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The idiomatic approach to mounting "configuration" volumes on ECS?

I have a docker container that I would like to "port" to ECS. My Dockerfile contains a VOLUME instruction: VOLUME /app/configuration So using docker on a linux machine, you just point to the folder you would like to associate the VOLUME to either…
0 answers

In ECS, how to mount container's user home and host's user home?

In ECS, how can I mount volumes the container's userhome and host's user home? "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "web", "image": "nginx", "cpu": 99, "memory": 100, "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80 } ], "essential":…
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1 answer

Why does creating a service in AWS ECS require the ecs:CreateService permission on all resources?

I'm trying to create a service on AWS ECS, using CloudFormation. The user trying to create service has a role granting it the ecs:CreateService permission on the cluster that will host the service. However, the service fails to create with this…
0 answers

AWS - ECS with ELB not working, instance IP works though

I've set up an ECS cluster with a single container, with an ELB to serve the traffic to it. The ELB listener is HTTPS/443, and the host listener is HTTP/8080. I.e. when you hit the URL it's HTTPS but the communication between the instance and the…
1 answer

Fixed IP address, hosting via Docker in AWS ECS

We want to host our software on AWS via Docker using ECS. However, our software must connect to an external service, and they limit our access based on IP address. Is it possible to have fixed IP addresses for the EC2 instances in the ECS cluster?
Adrian Smith
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1 answer

Is it possible to use IAM roles for ECS tasks in an Elastic Beanstalk application?

I maintain a project running on Elastic Beanstalk on the Multicontainer Docker platform. To securely access the SSM Parameter Store I would like to give specific containers access to specific IAM roles. To minimize unneeded privileges some…
Sören Weber
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1 answer

Failed creation of IAM Autoscale role when adding autoscale to a ECS task

I am adding some auto scaling setting to a ECS task The idea is I will spawn new service when the length of the message queue increase, otherwise decrease After I put in the definition as defined above, I got the following error message: Failed…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

How to run multiple neo4j instances on ecs?

How to run two instances of neo4j on EC2 Container Service. I created two task definitions to run neo4j on 7474 and 7475. But both neo4j instances use same 7687 to provide data. It works fine with one instance. How to make the second instance…
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How to autoscale a rabbitmq container in ECS

In a container based micro service application, How to autoscale rabbitmq container in ECS? Do I have to scale it up with dynamic ports and assign to a load balancer?
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1 answer

How to modify an Amazon ECS Cluster and use custom UserData to mount EFS

Need to mount EFS drive on ECS Cluster automatically on launch of container instances. Is it possible with Clusters generated with the Wizard or do I need to create an AutoScaling group?
1 answer

Amazon ECS Load balancer set to port 9090 doesnt work

I have created classical load balancer in Amazon Web Services and I have given the listener port as 9090. And I have associated the load balancer with a cluster with 2 EC2 instances. I have given the inbound rules for the instances for 9090 as…
1 answer

AWS ECS: Simple Apache webserver container fails

I'm getting started with AWS ECS and, as a proof of concept, I'm trying to run a simple Apache webserver. The problem is that the task fails, shutting down with the message: Essential container in task exited The container in my task pulls a Docker…
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