Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
2 answers

Is Fargate a good fit for independent containers that have low resource utilization?

I'm new to docker and ECS, so I might not use the right terms. Please let me know if I need to clarify. My Scenario: I have a number of independent containers. Each container represents a web site. Each container should run all the time, but might…
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ALB Connection Draining is always reaching the "Deregistration Delay"

I'm using ECS along with ALB to expose my containers to the internet. When I'm updating a container image (I'm using CloudFormation to update the tasks and services), the target group set the connections to the old containers to Draining. The issue…
0 answers

Autoscaling AWS ECS services with soft limits

As per the service utilization documentation it is possible to have a Memory utilizations over 100% when using soft limits in the ECS tasks (because you don't want to kill your app with hard limits). For CPU utilization this is always true. We have…
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How to turn off access log for only a certain url in this nginx configuration?

This is a nginx configuration server { listen $PORT; location ~ ^/documents/(.*)$ { proxy_pass$1; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

Unable to start task in ecs. Tasks are in PENDING state

My tasks are in PENDING status That's what I can see in the events There is not many information in the service events. Here is the task definition in json { "requiresAttributes": [ { "value": null, "name":…
Anthony Kong
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2 answers

Failed registering Scalable Target when defining auto scale option for ECS

But I am getting this error: Failed registering Scalable Target Scalable Target could not register scalable target: 1 validation error detected: Value '' at 'roleARN' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length greater than or …
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

create a CloudWatch Alarm when an ECS service unable to consistently start tasks successfully

If I release a new Docker image with a bug to my ECS Service, then the service will attempt to start new Tasks but will keep the old version around if the new tasks fail to start. In that scenario, it will sometimes (not always) emit an Event to the…
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2 answers

Is reverse proxy still required between AWS ALB and application server?

Context Web application with application server, i.e. Ruby on Rails with puma. Running within a container on AWS ECS with Fargate. Traffic is routed by AWS Application Load Balancer directly to application server running within…
0 answers

How does a unix socket shared through a Docker volume work compared to TCP?

I'm wondering how Docker manages a unix socket when it's shared across containers and how it affects the performance compared to just using TCP. What I'm trying to accomplish is setting up docker-compose to build an php-fpm, nginx and mysql…
1 answer

How do I find out the reason a task instance gets deregistered?

We have a bunch of services running in ECS. All of them are set to run at least two instances. With some of the services I notice that at irregular intervals one of the instances gets de-registered. In the logs there are no errors, and the health…
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1 answer

Cloudformation ECS keep all taskdefinition revisions

In CloudFormation ECS when I update TaskDefinition tag Image:app:2 and make update-stack, I get only the one last new revision a myapp:2. How I can keep all previous revisions in which case manually rollback to previous revision?
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How do I attach, format and mount a volume on boot in ecs?

I want my persistence (ebs) volume to be separate from my auto-scaling group launch configuration. So that it won't be accidentally auto deleted by terraform, or something. Also I may do something like /mnt/taskname so that I have a different…
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3 answers

TERRAFORM how do i have 1 ecs cluster with 2 or more ecs service/task definitions?

Using Terraform, I have tried the hardest to find out how to create 1 ECS cluster and have multiple services running under it. SO basically i have 2 different containers i want to run with this 1 ECS cluster. How do i do this? I have seen many…
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0 answers

How can I clone a private repo in ECS docker container?

Hi I'm new to AWS ECS and I'm trying to deploy a docker cluster. I have a private github repo that I want to download to my working directory when my docker container starts, or possibly have it on some ebs volume preloaded that is then mounted by…
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1 answer

Can the internal hostname be set for an ECS container on AWSVPC

I'm trying to run RabbitMQ in ECS on an AWSVPC network with EFS persistence. The problem is that ECS on AWSVPC resets the hostname every time the container is restarted. This results in rabbitmq starting an entirely new directory in…
Philip Couling
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