Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
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ECS Fargate Network Interface with src/dest Check disabled

When creating an AWS ECS Fargate Service is there a way to set the generated Network Interface's Source/dest check field to false? The service is set-up following the ECS Fargate getting started guide. The service is running a squid Proxy, which I…
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Can containers be placed on EC2 host in overloaded fashion in AWS ECS

I have an instance with multiple tomcat applications and standalone jars running. If the machine has 2vcpu and 8GB RAM the individual applications can use use the resources on demand(based on the Xms and Xmx values set for tomcat and for the…
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How to minimize ecs autoscaling reaction time from terraform?

When you create an ECS autoscaling policy, two alarms tag along with it: one for scaling up ("out"), one for scaling down ("in"). The scale-out ones I see created appear to sample CPU utilization (or the metric of interest) every minute, and only…
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Automatic task retirement in ECS services

Is there any to automatically refresh the tasks of a service on a schedule (every day, every week, etc..)? Semi-officially, it seems like there may not be (and maybe it's just up to the individual processes to shut themselves…
Dustin Oprea
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ECS Cluster Service not Running Containers

Recently I created an ECS cluster. I used the wizard on the AWS console to create it using an existing VPC, subnets, keypair and a previously created IAM role (from another cluster creation operation). Then I proceeded to create a service using a…
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How to migrate to Fargate from EC2 in ECS cluster?

I am planning to migrate to Fargate for autoscaling purposes. I already have task definitions for both my staging and production environments which are currently live. There's two ways I thought I can migrate to Fargate, either create a new Task…
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Terminating AWS ECS services and tasks automatically

We have created a ECS cluster with Fargate and have created few tasks in service to be used in a CI/CD pipeline. Service has desired count of 1. So if we terminate any task, new task comes up automatically. Is there a way in which we can make sure…
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How can I prevent apache to log ELB Health Checks in Docker?

I have a dockerized web application deployed in ECS, and everything works just fine, logging in cloudwatch every request, including a HUGE number of health checks, which are configured to hit the page /health, a blank page. I'd like to have a…
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How to prevent critical data leaks in Amazon ECS?

I am not sure whether my basic assumption for this question is correct, but as I understand, there is the following problem: A user who has the permission to create ECS task definitions can access all data of the instance at any time through docker…
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Amazon ECS [Fargate] - How do you restart all Tasks in a Service?

We have a task that loads some configuration from database. After the settings are updated on db we would like to be able to restart all the tasks in a service so that the settings propagate to all instances. I used aws ecs update-service…
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Laravel events behind load balancer - how to make the event visible to all the servers in the autoscale group

I have an application running Laravel 6.1. There are clients which connect to it via laravel websockets and listen for events. I have an external service which sends post requests to this server which will then raise an event, and the websocket…
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autoscaling php-fpm in AWS ECS

I have a t3.medium instance managed by ASG and used by ECS. My application requires approximately 25% of the capacity of this instance to operate at a minimum. will work in the standard nginx + php_fpm dockerized configuration. With that, I thought…
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How set a fixed private IP for ECS containers?

I have a Task Definition called kafka-zookeeper, it has an Apache Kafka broker and a Zookeeper node in it. Those containers need to communicate with each other (that's easy) and with the kafka and zookeeper containers from other kafka-zookeeper…
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Can't retrieve instance metadata on AWS Fargate tasks

I have a docker compose configuration that I'm deploying in an ECS Fargate cluster. The tasks are configured with assign_public_ip: ENABLED, and they seem to be getting a public IP, but I'm struggling to figure out how to retrieve the IP. The…
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Troubleshooting fargate autoscaling

I've set up an AWS Fargate cluster to run a service and autoscale its tasks based on the SQS queue. All great so far. The service has got a desired tasks of 1, but then it never actually launches the task from the task definition. Does anyone have…
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