Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
1 answer

How to replace ECS cluster instance ami to a different kind of ami while avoiding downtime?

The company I work for uses Amazon ECS. There are 5 or more production clusters configured there and there was some problem last week and AWS support team recommended us to change the ECS instance ami to an "Ubuntu ECS optimized" ami. I'd like to go…
Itai Ganot
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1 answer

"unknown shorthand flag: 'e' in -e" from 'aws ecr get-login'

I am trying to push a docker image to the aws ecr When i try to login to ect, aws ecr get-login It expands to something like this docker login -u AWS -p eyJwYXlsbXXXXXXVZIn0= -e none I got…
Anthony Kong
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2 answers

Why the health checks cannot reach the target groups in an AWS ECS?

This is the targets in my target group. They corresponds to the docker processes running in my ecs service. As you can see all processes are marked as either draining or unhealthy. Here is how I define my Health checks, I have tried the health…
Anthony Kong
  • 2,976
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3 answers

AWS - shutdown EC2 of an ECS cluster after task is done

I have a small job in docker (10 minutes) which I want to run daily in the morning. What I'd like to achive from AWS is this: 1. Start EC2 instance. 2. Run my docker job. 3. Shutdown EC2 instance. What I tried so far: - Created an ECS task. -…
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1 answer

How can I access an Instance Store Volume in an ECS Task?

I have a Docker image that downloads a large data set, processes it, creating a ton of temporary files in the process and then uploads the final result to S3. I don't need the temp files to be persistent / survive an instance failure, so I want to…
1 answer

How do I determine the Container ID so that Terraform can attach it to an ALB target group?

I've used Terraform to create a VPC, subnets, ECS instances, routing and a task definition which I am able to run via the AWS console. That gives me a few instances of my small web app running in multiple containers. I have also been able to create…
Neil Trodden
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2 answers

Amazon ECS Network traffic and ports

I have created a four subnet VPC, where two subnets are private and two public. Instances in the private subnet has only private IP's and reach the the internet through an IGW/NAT GW. I can successfully create an ECS clusters spanning my public…
Glenn Bech
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2 answers

Terraform returns "Unsupported service namespace, resource type or scalable dimension" when I attach an auto-scaling group to an ECS service

In my terraform code, I am trying to attach an auto-scaling group to my ECS Service using aws_autoscaling_target. resource "aws_appautoscaling_target" "service_app_asg_target" { resource_id = "${aws_ecs_service.service_app.arn}" min_capacity =…
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2 answers

Docker project on AWS ECS

I have a docker compose project that I am trying to deploy to AWS. Amazons ECS service seemed like a good fit, however when I try to deploy using the ecs-cli up command like so: ecs-cli up --capability-iam \ …
Alex Fu
  • 121
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1 answer

Are the units incorrect for Storage Read / Write graphs in AWS ECS Container Insights?

In AWS Console > CloudWatch > Container Insights > Performance monitoring > ECS Tasks, the graphs for both Storage Read and Storage Write have units shown as Bytes/Second like this: Storage Read Bytes/Second However in both cases the graphs appear…
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1 answer

How to view and interact with terminal logs generated by AWS ECS

How do people view and interact with terminal logs generated by AWS ECS? I've been using the ECS task view so far, but I feel the UX is bad and the Cloudwatch UI has similar problems. How do others read and interact with their logs?
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0 answers

Why can't I use AWS EC2 ImageBuilder to create a RHEL based container?

In the AWS console for EC2 ImageBuilder the option to create a Container Recipe using RHEL as the base image seems to be disabled. From EC2 Image Builder console -> Container Recipes -> Create container recipe. The 'Base Image' section for 'Image…
0 answers

CredentialRetrievalError within ECS container

Problem I have deployed an ECS cluster and am running a job orchestration platform on the cluster. One of the containers of this platform uses the python docker api to pull a container from our private ECR repo and execute a job within the…
1 answer

AWS ECS Fargate Task cannot pull secrets from SSM

I'm bootstrapping an ECS Cluster with AWS CDK. I created SecureStrings in SSM which I want to pass to the container secrets. But when starting the service I get the following error message on the task: "ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull…
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1 answer

AWS ECS task definition workflow

I've setup one of my services to be deployed to ECS (EC2). I have the service and task definition configured via terraform and then to deploy I'm using Github actions where it seems I need to define the task definition again. It seems both are…
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