In AWS Console > CloudWatch > Container Insights > Performance monitoring > ECS Tasks, the graphs for both Storage Read and Storage Write have units shown as Bytes/Second like this:

Storage Read


However in both cases the graphs appear to be always monotonically increasing, except for vertical drops on container restart, and have long horizontal sections when I would not expect to be seeing sustained constant IO.

Are these graphs actually showing cumulative Bytes rather than the stated Bytes/Second?

Looking in the table on AWS docs for ECS Container Insights metrics I see StorageReadBytes and StorageWriteBytes with both say Unit: Bytes so, assuming this is referring to the same metrics displayed in the console UI graphs, perhaps this confirms my suspicion that this is a bug in the AWS console UI?

I have attempted to report this using the 'Feedback' button in AWS but posting here in case anyone can confirm or if it helps others who may be worried by a seemingly high rate of sustained I/O.

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    I just ran into the same and found your question here. The CloudWatch metric shows bytes/sec but clearly my application is not writing 20GB/sec (for example).. it seems to be a sum. – Nicholas Smith Feb 09 '22 at 18:17
  • This still seems to be an an issue. According to Storage Write on container insight one of our tasks are now writing at >100 GB/sec - and increasing! – stian May 23 '22 at 11:33

1 Answers1


Yes, it seems the units are incorrect. I also ran into same observation while debugging an application restart. It took a while. For me the value was 215 mb/s for StorageReadBytes - when the application was idle. I think this needs to be raised to AWS team.