Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
1 answer

EC2 Instance cannot connect to ECS Cluster

Helo, I have empty AWS ECS Cluster but I am unable to put instances into it. I wanted to use Launch templates and Autoscaling Group, but I am unable to assign created EC2 Instance. The issue is in shown in ecs-agent.log level=error…
Filip Niko
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1 answer

AWS ECS Policy: Lock down permissions to services depending on owner

I'm pretty new to AWS so please bear with me. I currently have this ecs.yaml: ... ECSSendMessageToSQSRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: …
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2 answers

Does modifying the listener of an ELB in AWS gracefully drain connections in ECS?

My team and I are trying to come up with the best way to implement blue/green for AWS ECS but we can't seem to definitively answer one question about application load balancers. So far, the method that seems to meet our goals the most is by…
1 answer

AWS ECS deployment Error using Cross Account

I created a jenkins job runing inside account A that connects using cross accounts IAM roles to account B, where we have a ECS cluster. I manageg to build and upload the docker images from account A jenkins to account B, but when I use: aws ecs…
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0 answers

How to deploy SSL certificates on Amazon Elastic Container Service?

I have a proxy server (nginx) which has the following responsibilities: proxies to different backends depending on resource requested enforces rate limiting and IP blacklisting handles rewrites and url transformations does SSL termination, has…
1 answer

AWS: MySQL running on ECS vs RDS

I'm working on a project where we will be using ECS to run the API of each client, it will start with one but it will eventually grow. We will also need a database for each client and the Project Manager decided that we should have an instance of…
1 answer

AWS EC2 Amazon Linux is using swap even if it shouldn't

I have a few ECS servers running various apps. After a few mysterious outages I noticed that the instance is swapping hard and it consumes its IO Burst Balance rendering the instance useless. The facts: the machines are t2 and t3 instances with 2GB…
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0 answers

AWS Application Load Balancer 502 Bad Gateway

I am using AWS ECS Fargate and have an application load balancer to forward all the connections to the correct instance. I did already manage to get up a cluster and a service up and running connected to an ALB which has a DNS record created in…
1 answer

Limit public access to AWS ECS Fargate Service

I have a service on AWS ECS deployed using Fargate. This service uses a Network Load Balancer (NLB) to allow an Elastic IP to be associated with the service. This is not an http service and is using port 5060 (SIP), hence the choice of an NLB.…
0 answers

Docker storage re-mounted in read-only mode when container is generating a lot of large file(20G+)

I am getting stuck with an issue for a couple of days, and hope someone here could help or give some hints. So here is the issue: when I am running some docker images which performs large I/O operations, the container become read-only in the middle…
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1 answer

How to update the minimum & maximum number of running tasks in ECS

I want to update the min and max number of tasks for a service in ECS in a lambda function (python with boto3). It looks like the closest thing is the desired count: desiredCount, but I don't think that is what I am after as my auto-scaling policy…
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0 answers

Are there any non-fault reasons why ECS Fargate could stop/restart my task?

I'm evaluating ECS Fargate for a project where I'm planning to run a stateful server. Are there any reasons (other than host faults, or other non-recoverable errors) why ECS/Fargate would restart or stop my tasks? For example, would it ever try to…
2 answers

How to add static entries to a AWS Route53 Auto Naming hosted zone?

I am running some of our backend REST services with Amazon ECS (Docker) and they change their public IP on every restart. I'm using AWS Route 53 Auto Naming (aka servicediscovery) to register new A records on the DNS when a new backend instance…
1 answer

How to automate OS/ECS-agent updating on a EC2 instance in ECS Auto Scaling environment?

First off: I feel like I still don't understand some of the fundamental concepts of AWS, so please bear with me, if this question is noobish. I have the following set-up in AWS: 1 ECS-Cluster with 1 single service The Cluster is configured to use 1…
1 answer

Memory utilisation and OOM exception in AWS ECS

Here is a chart of MemoryUtilization from one of my service in an ECS cluster. As you can see the memory shot up to 25% briefly. In this cluster I have 3 t2.medium machines. The specification says these machines have 4GiB RAM. My current issue: I…
Anthony Kong
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