Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
1 answer

AWS Route 53 pricing for hosted zones and domain names

Novice dealing with DNS services here. I'm setting up an ECS cluster of Fargate containers that need to communicate with each other. They are deployed as separate services in the same cluster, so I wanted to use CloudMap in order to automatically…
0 answers

How to get live logs sent from ECS to AWS cloudwatch

I run containers in ECS on python docker image which has ssh installed because sometimes I need to login to the container. Whatever logs are outputted using print in the python script show up in the log group for the container The issue is it's not…
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How does memory and memoryReservation work for Tasks running on EC2 ECS?

EC2 ECS lets you specify memory and memoryReservation for both ECS tasks and the containers running within those tasks. I understand that memory and memoryReservation on the container settings map to the underlying Docker memory settings. However,…
0 answers

Best practice for deploying multi region ECS

If I want to deploy to multiple regions on Amazon ECS, would I be able to do a Blue/Green deployment from one region to all? I can't find any indication on how to achieve this without having a Blue/Green deployment pipeline in each region. As I have…
0 answers

Running certbot on an ECS instance

I am trying to run certbot on an ECS instance which is running a docker image ( The image runs well and I have associated it with a custom subdomain using an elastic IP. Trying to install and run…
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aws - ECS capacity provider permission

I'm trying out teraform for managing my infrastructure and got into a bit of an issue and I'm not sure what to look for. I'm attempting to create a capacity provider for my ECS cluster however I'm getting the following error ClientException: The…
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(ServiceNotFoundException) when calling the UpdateService operation through CircleCI

As stated, running this through the aws-ecs orb for circleci. Error An error occurred (ServiceNotFoundException) when calling the UpdateService operation: I've already looked at…
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How to get a static IP address for outbound requests in AWS?

We are in an integration process and the company is asking for whitelisted static IP addresses. The suggested solution by AWS is to create new ECS that uses new subnets. Is it possible to change subnets in an existing cluster? Do we have to…
0 answers

Implications of CPU limit on a docker run Java (tomcat) application?

I have had an ongoing problem running a Tomcat java web application in a docker container (which I refer to as a 'task' in this post) hosted in an ECS (elastic container service) on AWS. We notice that the task climbs to 97% CPU usage (using the AWS…
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AWS ECS task definition revision date and time

I want to know when task definition revisions have been made. When I run this command aws ecs describe-task-definition --region us-east-1 --task-definition my_task_definition it gives me the latest revision (in my case #5) and gives me when and who…
1 answer

Intermittent 500 Error caused by psycopg2.OperationalError: could not translate host name

20% of requests to our backend Django application (deployed on AWS using ECS and Postgres RDS) are throwing 500 errors. Looking at the ECS logs, various related errors are shown: psycopg2.OperationalError: could not translate host name…
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Flink taskmanager on ECS cannot connect to jobmanager on EC2

I have an EC2 instance which is in us-east-1b and is running the flink jobmanager, which is responsible for coordinating work across multiple taskmanagers via RPC, and history server. I can see from netstat that the jobmanager is listening on…
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How to share directory with Fargate container

I have a fargate container running which needs access to files present on an EC2 instance. Both are in the same network and security groups do not restrict traffic. I tried using sshfs as well as mount using cifs.utils package. However because it is…
1 answer

Does bridge networking mode in ECS limit number of tasks on container instance

I have an EC2 registered to ECS cluster on which tasks can run. Originally I chose the awsvpc network mode so every task(container) had it's own ENI(IP). But I ran into limitation at…
1 answer

Terraform ECS Capacity Provider not resulting in new ECS instances on demand

From what I read here ECS capacity providers should (generally) prevent tasks immediately failing on resource limits by putting them in a "Provisioning" state and spinning up a new EC2 instance This means, for example, if you call the RunTask API…
Philip Couling
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