Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
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How to configure service discovery in aws ecs using the new console

In the classic AWS console it was possible to configure service discovery. It looks like this has been dropped in the new console. How does it then need to be done in the new console? Thanks
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which AMI image we have to use for ECS cluster as Amazon ECS-optimized AMI is getting depricated

I saw this document which says Amazon ECS-optimized AMI is getting depricated and they are not going to maintain this any more. So if I want to create a new ECS cluster and use ec2 instad of fargte which ami image should i use for ec2 image creation…
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Separate ECS clusters for web app and API?

I've read all the ECS docs on clusters but it's not clear to me whether I need separate clusters for the web app containers vs. the web API containers. I initially got it all deployed with a single cluster. Had to manually set up the 2nd port in the…
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Fargate task from service with Public IP disabled can't download env file from S3

We have a Fargate service that should be exposed to the internet via a load balancer, and since for tests we had used so far the random Public IP of the task, we decided to disable the Public IP, so that it makes sense for the task of the service to…
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Redis on AWS task

I have an API that have some heavy processing endpoints. To avoid problems, I created a queue system using redis. Now I put this API into a docker, and I'm using ECS to deploy service that creates a task that loads the docker with the API. However,…
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How to run a Fargate task? My cluster seems to be invisible

I don't know what details to provide here, so bear with me. I want to use AWS Fargate. I successfully uploaded my docker image, created a Task Definition, and created an EKS cluster, but when I attempt to "Run Task," I am unable to because the…
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How to assign internal hostnames to Fargate internal services?

I'm using CDK (via the Typescript lib) to setup my network infrastructure on ECS. There are some background workers that often report errors to a Slack channel and I'd like to assign random hostnames based on their names, something like…
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AWS Patch Manager and ECS Cluster Spot Instances

I have a ECS Cluster with a capacity provider providing me with spot instances to run docker tasks. I have Patch Manager set up and can run patches manually / on a schedule. However, I would like for Patch Manager to automatically run on new…
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I have an ECS Cluster with a capacity provider and a service. The capacity provider runs an autoscale group, and when one instance of this group starts, at the end I can see that there are ECS instances avalaible. Actually, I can connect to them…
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AWS Fargate Load Balancer timing out

I'm setting up an AWS ECS/Fargate cluster/service/task with a load balancer for the first time. I believe the task is good since I can go to the task's (public) IP directly in a browser and see the application. I set up an application load balancer…
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Creating Amazon ECS service with multiple load balancer target groups with dynamic ports

So I was using fargate for some containers that were using http and websockets. For this to work I created a target group for each port and added their respective load balancer listener to each target group. So for example I am using the port 3026…
Juan Diego
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figuring out why a docker container becomes unresponsive

I'm using AWS Elastic Container Services to start and stop Docker containers as demand dictates. The problem is that occasionally, in the middle of the day, a subset of employees just lose the ability to access this containerized website. Killing…
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SQS is not working for multiple ECS (fargate) instances

I am using an application load balancer, under this ALB, a target group is provided. In this target group, two fargate ECS instances are running. These two instances use the same PHP docker image. When i upload an csv file, the tasks in the csv file…
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Why is ECS triggering an immediate in-process application recycle?

I have an ASP.NET web app (.NET Framework 4.7.2.) deployed to AWS/ECS and we noticed Application_Start was running not once, not twice, but three times! Maybe others are facing this problem. We resolved 1 of the 2 extra restarts. The first happens…
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AWS Fargate is slow when calling system commands. How do I debug it and what can be wrong?

I've been running my PoC on Fargate without many problems. It's a Micronaut Java app with not much happening on its own. I'm using the smallest 256mb/0.25CPU Fargate deployment. I'm running a simple command from java code, prettier --version.…