Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
3 answers

AWS ECS Cannot start task

I am trying run a task definition I have in AWS ECS. I have a default cluster, and I've got a Container Instance launched on it, and I'm trying to run a task definition I've got on the instance. The task goes straight from PENDING status to STOPPED,…
Nick Rolando
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1 answer

Low req/s ratio on EC2 machine on PHP Hello World

I’m having a problem with AWS. Im using Elastic Container Service that is created as on link Instance type is t2.xlarge…
Ante Braovic
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0 answers

No network connection on Multiple docker container in Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to deploy a multiple docker container to Elastic Beanstalk. There is two containers, one for the supervisor+uwsgi+django application and one for the JavaScript frontend. Using docker-compose it works fine locally My docker-compose…
1 answer

How to set different destination ('region') of an aws cloudwatch logging agent inside a docker image?

Here is my dockerfile. FROM COPY /* / RUN python --non-interactive -c /aws-log.myservice.cfg --region us-west-2 CMD ["/"] I use the dockerfile…
Anthony Kong
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0 answers

AWS Batch CLIENT_ERROR Invalid IamInstaceProfile

Hopefully I'm posting in the correct community! I'm trying to set up a container to run on AWS Batch. I'm not doing anything fancy, more or less just following the default set-up with everything. I'm getting an error that seems to be related to the…
1 answer

Shutdown old EC2 instances only after creating new one in when changing ECS host ami in autoscaling group

Here is my LaunchConfiguration of my AutoScalingGroup in my ECS-Cluster - using cloudformation. UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingRollingUpdate: MinInstancesInService: 1 MaxBatchSize: 1 PauseTime: PT15M WaitOnResourceSignals: true My issue…
1 answer

What is the correct order to create a ALB for a ECS service?

I have created a number of ecs services this way, but I find that from time to time I struggle to get everything right. I want to get some feedback from the community if there is any issues with the following steps: Backgroud: The ecs cluster…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

ALB & Target group timeouts with unhealthy status on dynamic port

I launched a beanstalk multi container instance and its working fine. I then tried to setup dynamic port mapping and set the host port to 0. I allowed port range 32768 - 60999 for ec2 instance security group and I can access nginx using newly…
Saad Abdullah
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1 answer

AWS ECS keep spawning new tasks even though the CMD should wait

It is as if the CMD has no effect. In my ECS task definition, I have defined the command as seen in the below screenshot The python process is supposed to be a 'blocking process' - it supposes to wait on data in a SQS queue. However from the cloud…
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

Different stdout with supervisord using docker vs docker-compose

I have a service running inside docker using nginx and php-fpm. I have been beating my head against the wall to get all of the logs to redirect to stdout. The approach that I took was to use supervisord. Using docker-compose up my-app everything…
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1 answer

Can I create a hard dependency between two ECS clusters?

We have a service that uses two services, a custom java application and a custom kafka build. When releasing a new version of our service, we always tag and push kafka to it's repo and the app to it's repo, with the same version tag. These are part…
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1 answer

AWS Elastic Beanstalk CPU Capped

We're running a multi container Docker setup on AWS Elastic beanstalk. We're in the process of load testing, and noticed that no matter what the load was, CPU% maxed out at 50%. The instance size has 2 cores, so it should be able to use…
1 answer

How to create a private staging environment on AWS?

My small company is developing a webapp on AWS, using VPC and EC2 Container Service, with Application Load Balancers directing traffic to our apps. I have the environment up and running, but I want to secure it so that only people in our company can…
David Ham
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1 answer

Can I use AWS SNS to communicate between ECS Tasks?

I have an ECS Cluster which can scale some tasks in a service based on the load. I also have a scheduled audit ECS task which run periodically and wants to send a notification to these other tasks in the service so they can update their data…
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0 answers

Commands in Dockerfile of a base image is not being run

I ran out of methods already, this is rather confusing. So, I have a docker container where I would like to "git clone" my php web application, and then run "composer install". From my understand, dockerfiles are best to keep them as flexible and…
Thomas Cheng
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