It is as if the CMD has no effect.

In my ECS task definition, I have defined the command as seen in the below screenshot

enter image description here

The python process is supposed to be a 'blocking process' - it supposes to wait on data in a SQS queue.

However from the cloud watch log, it seems like the task gets spawned continuously enter image description here

In effect it is like executing this

 docker run -t simplequeue python /docverter/app/src/main.py

The container is started and then terminated right away.

I have defined the ENTRYPOINT in my dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update -y --fix-missing
RUN apt-get install -y git python python-pip cron ntp

ENV APP_HOME /docverter

RUN mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}

# Log configuration

RUN mkdir -p /root/.aws
RUN mkdir -p /var/awslogs/state
COPY ./credentials /root/.aws/credentials
COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh

RUN apt-get install -y curl
RUN curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O
RUN python awslogs-agent-setup.py --non-interactive -c ${APP_HOME}/aws-log.cfg --region ap-southeast-2

# Entry point
# To ensure some background services are started when the container is started
ENTRYPOINT /docker-entrypoint.sh

And the docker-entrypoint is as follow:

set -eo pipefail

service awslogs start
service ntp start

I want to know how I can make the docker container to execute the Command in the task definition

EDIT as per Andrey's answer, I have modified the entrypoint script but it does not solve the issue. I added an extra echo "$@" for debug and it prints blank.

docker build -t broken .
docker run -it broken python    # export to have python started

The test code can be cloned from here: git clone -b broken-entry-point-and-cmd https://github.com/kongakong/aws-ecs

Anthony Kong
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1 Answers1


You need to add the following at the end of your ENTRYPOINT script

exec "$@"

Because you are using both, ENTRYPOINT and CMD, CMD values are passed to the ENTRYPOINT as arguments.

So you need to tell your bash script to launch that python command.



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